The 3rd Age

The Elven Alliance: Community Edition

The Elven Alliance: Community Edition

This mod project attempts to complete and finish The Elven Alliance mod in its entirety.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Adding a New hero- bfme2 & rotwk

Avatar of SquallBK


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday June 9, 2007 - 4:39
Updated: Tuesday January 18, 2011 - 18:50
Views: 45256
Summary: This is an updated version, to make it easier for those modding bfme2 & rotwk.


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Copied directly from the message war-craze sent me:

First if you use normal files ( original - no mods ) then you will need these files. ( I assume you use the program finalbig ) ( for SEE - Special Extended Edition files you need to go to C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Appdata\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth™ II Files\SEE so you don't need finalbig to open the INI file like normally)

-commandbutton.ini ( for SEE - Special Extended Edition mod you will need which is located in the map SEE\data\ini\includes )
-commandset.ini ( for SEE - Special Extended Edition mod you will need which is located in the map SEE\data\ini\includes )

Lets start with adding the heroes to the fortress first, open up playertemplate.ini
Now look for the following line ( I'm using Mordorfortress as example ).


[color="#00FF00"]BuildableHeroesMP[/color] = CreateAHero MordorGothmogNew MordorShagrat IsengardUgluk MordorMouthOfSauron EvilMenBlackRider1_SEE EvilMenBlackRider2_SEE EvilMenBlackRider3_SEE EvilMenBlackRider4_SEE EvilMenBlackRider5_SEE EvilMenBlackRider6_SEE EvilMenBlackRider7_SEE EvilMenBlackRider8_SEE MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast

As you can see the buildableheroes line shows us what heroes are in the fortress. You can change them to whatever you like, like if you want Gandalf in the list add GondorGandalf in that line.

Second we will use the commandset.ini lets open it up
Now look for the following lines


CommandSet MordorFortressCommandSet
InitialVisible = 6
//Main Menu
1 = Command_ConstructMordorPorter
2 = Command_SelectRevivablesMordorFortress
3 = Command_SelectUpgradesMordorFortress
4 = Command_FireWeaponMordorFortressMagmaCauldrons
5 = Command_FireWeaponMordorFortressSpireFireball
6 = Command_Sell

//Upgrades Menu
7 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressDoomPyres
8 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressLavaMoat
9 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressFireArrows
10 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressMagmaCauldrons
11 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressMorgulSorcery
12 = Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressGorgorothSpire
13 = Command_RadialBack

//Hero Menu
14 = Command_RingHeroReviveSlot
15 = Command_CreateAHeroReviveSlot // Note we also need an extra slot for the Create A Hero
16 = Command_GenericReviveSlot1
17 = Command_GenericReviveSlot2
18 = Command_GenericReviveSlot3
19 = Command_GenericReviveSlot4
20 = Command_GenericReviveSlot5
21 = Command_GenericReviveSlot6
22 = Command_GenericReviveSlot7
23 = Command_GenericReviveSlot8
24 = Command_GenericReviveSlot9
25 = Command_GenericReviveSlot10
26 = Command_GenericReviveSlot11
27 = Command_GenericReviveSlot12
28 = Command_GenericReviveSlot13
29 = Command_GenericReviveSlot14
30 = Command_GenericReviveSlot15
31 = Command_RadialBack

As you can see these are slots so you can revive them, standard they have about 8-10 slots, you can go up till 15 slots which will make the number 31 on the far left not 31 slots. Now you can add up to 15 heroes in playertemplate.ini - BuildableHeroesMP.

Now we will make the slots commands so the command buttons will work.
Open up commandbutton.ini and look for these lines.


CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot1
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot2
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot3
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot4
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot5
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot6
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

You see the slots right there, add up till the amount of slots you have maximum as this ( you only have to do this once, this will be for all fortresses! )


CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot1
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot2
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot3
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot4
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot5
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot6
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot7
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot8
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot9
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot10
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot11
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot12
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot13
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot14
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

CommandButton Command_GenericReviveSlot15
Command = REVIVE
Options = HIDE_WHILE_DISABLED CANCELABLE ;Hides button while disabled.
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:GenericReviveHero
;ButtonImage = ***Filled in automatically! No need to specify a button image.
ButtonBorderType = BUILD
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipGenericReviveHero
InPalantir = No
Radial = Yes

Now we have 15 slots :)
To make this all work we need to change commandrange of Mordor Fortress.
Open up commandbutton.ini and look for these lines.


CommandButton Command_SelectRevivablesMordorFortress
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectRevivablesMordorFortress
ButtonImage = UCCommon_EvilHeroes
ButtonBorderType = SYSTEM
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommandSelectRevivablesMordorFortress
Radial = Yes
CommandRangeStart = ??
CommandRangeCount = ??

When we made the slots there were numbers on the far left side starting from 15 till 31 which makes 18 lines, the commandrangestart will be number 14 because you have to do -1 of the first line number.

The commandrangecount will be number 18 since there are 18 lines between 15 and 31.

Save everything and voila you now have your own custom heroes in your fortress.


That concludes the pasted material from war-craze and that also concludes this tutorial. If you need help with any thing, please feel free to send me a message in Revora Forums or at my email: I hope this tutorial helped you in making your new hero!


Display order: Newest first

tromerix - Thursday July 7, 2016 - 2:13

Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)


Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)


Hi all im new here and im new at bfme1-2 and rotw. i follow all steps and i create some news heroes but they don't level up i need help with that how can make them level up plz?? :)

Tuka93 - Monday August 24, 2009 - 10:09

Yeah its a nice tut but i guess i have a problem!
my hero comes out in level 0!!!
and that way i cant use power!plis help me to fix it!
thx (sorry the bad ingrish) :)


very nice tut and easy!
just one thing u forgot... the experiencelevels.ini

Nethelen Narçu - Monday February 9, 2009 - 16:36

Now it works, but my hero is on Lvl 0 and can't use the powers.

JRReed16 - Wednesday January 28, 2009 - 20:04

Very nice guide, easy to follow. My only problem is using my new hero in WotR mode. I added the needed entry to Living World buildable units, but when I try to select the new hero after it is built from a fortress on the world map, the game crashes. Any ideas?

Nethelen Narçu - Wednesday January 21, 2009 - 15:13

When i do this it says Error defining module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' on thing template 'GondorFaramir'. The module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' has the tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' which must be unique amoung all modules for this object, but the model tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' is also already on draw module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' within this object.

Please make unique tag names with an object definition.

What can i do?


When i do this it says Error defining module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' on thing template 'GondorFaramir'. The module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' has the tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' which must be unique amoung all modules for this object, but the model tag 'ModuleTag_DRAW' is also already on draw module 'W3DScriptedModelDraw' within this object.

Please make unique tag names with an object definition.

What can i do?


Still doesn't work

Brenn - Sunday September 7, 2008 - 6:42

i don't find lotr.str.

KingRikhard - Tuesday March 11, 2008 - 11:04

Where to copy and paste glorfindel.ini?

Squieonat - Tuesday March 4, 2008 - 17:36

Very nicely-written.

ILUTAVAR - Saturday January 12, 2008 - 19:00

usable thing!

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