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Thick-grain Cloth Tutorial

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Nertea


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Monday June 11, 2007 - 0:32
Updated: Monday June 11, 2007 - 0:40
Views: 6712
Summary: Some tips on drawing thick grain cloth


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So, create a new layer, name it 'cloak'. Simple, using a hard edged olive green brush, draw over the old cloak, being careful not to overlap on any of the new-drawn parts.

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Then, once again, we add primary shadows. Use a burn brush , size 3, define the hood. For this you basically draw a black line with these settings. Then, use a larger, soft burn brush to further define this area. Using the same brush, draw a few lines downward to create a few cloak folds. This stage is just basic shadows, so don't worry about being precise.

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Similarly, add basic highlights. I suggest a dodge brush of size 9, on highlights. Exposure between 20 and 40%. For the larger areas, you may want to use up to size 19. Places to highlight- the bottom of the cloak, the lower edge of the hood. Otherwise, just mirror the shadows.

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Then, we add a texture. I find a good way to add texture in the form of the rough wool used for a cloak to be adding a grain. So go to filter -> Noise -> add noise. I suggest a value of around 1.2%. This should give it a nice, but not too visible grain.

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Next, detailed highlights ahve to be applied. Take a brush of size 5-13, with low hardness, and dodge (using highlights) to accentuate the folds you drew earlier. You can also add some new, finer folds, but be careful not to over-highlight anywhere except edges.
Correspondingly, add shadows with a similar brush, but using burn (midtones).

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That's probably the conclusion of the cloak. But wait! How is the cloak attached? Now we need to draw the cloak overtop of the chest armour, around the neck. So, create a new layer, with a name like 'neck cloak'. Using the same colour that was used as the base for the cloak, draw in the shape overtop of the leater vest (note: you may have to move the new layer to above the 'vest' group)

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Simply use the same method as for the cloak to draw in a few fold lines, add noise, then accentuate them

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We must however also add shadows that this bit of cloth casts, so go and select the 'shirt' layer, and switch to a size 9 0% hard burn brush. Brush in a bit of shadow around the edges of the bit of cloak you drew.

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