The 3rd Age

BfME 1½ Mod

BfME 1½ Mod

A mod that makes BfME2 as it should have been with the building plot system from BfME1!

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Skybox and Cine objects

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday June 12, 2007 - 21:54
Updated: Monday March 23, 2009 - 22:26
Views: 7118
Summary: How to get them to work for your maps


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12 votes

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4. Once Worldbuilder is opened, choose any map you wish to use. Now comes the fun part!

For cine objects, open up the CINEMATICS section in the place object tool and place whatever object you want on your map. Some of the objects will work and some will not, so you just got to test each of them out to find out. Don't worry if the objects don't appear when placed on the map. Play the game to see if they actually appear or not.

For skybox objects, things are a little bit more complicated. There are two areas where the skyboxes are located in the place object tool. The first is under CINEMATICS and the second is under SKYBOXES. Place whatever skybox you wish to use for your map. Don't use any skyboxes that are pink/purple because that means there is no texture for it. When you place the skybox object on your map, resize and adjust it so it fits around the border of the map. This can take some time because many skyboxes are very large and need to be adjusted properly. Generally, the skybox has to be scaled to at least half the size if not more. Just make sure that your skybox fits fairly close to the edge of the map because if it is too far, than you won't be able to see it when playing.

5. Once you have placed all the objects in the map, locate the objects in your modcinematic folder. For each object in your map, add this to their kind of:



You can also do this through a map.ini file if you want.

That's it! Your skyboxes and cinematic objects should now appear properly. No need to worry about fog of war or Worldbuilder scripts as they have been fixed in the kindof.


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DeeZire - Wednesday November 18, 2009 - 1:19

Why go to all the hassle of moving objects about etc when all you should do is change the path to them in SubSystemLegend.INI? The ThingTemplateStore explicitly indicates that the objects in the cinematics path are for cinematics only, so you just change that indicator to InitPath = Data\INI\Object\Cinematic\ instead of IncludePathCinematics = Data\INI\Object\Cinematic\ and the game will use them the same as any other object...

Masterbadeend - Saturday April 18, 2009 - 8:37

Good Tutorial ;)

melkor777 - Saturday April 11, 2009 - 13:15

cool 5 stars

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 7, 2007 - 2:21

Thanks Rob! :) Nice and easy! hehe.

{IP}Sauron - Wednesday June 27, 2007 - 6:15

@Ed Of The 3rd Kind:

Tried re-installing?

Ed Of The 3rd Kind - Monday June 25, 2007 - 17:02

hi there, unfortunately am having trouble with this tutorial, have gotten all the ways to the end without hassle and even saved the modded files in a big archive under the letter "A" and when i try to play the game the splash screen appears but it doesn't go any further, i'm playing ROTWK

{IP}Sauron - Thursday June 14, 2007 - 10:26

awesome tutorial :P

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday June 13, 2007 - 19:13

Whoops! forgot about that. Fixed.

Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday June 13, 2007 - 11:42

You should add code tags. Good tutorial otherwise :)

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