The 3rd Age

Simple BFME1 Mod

Simple BFME1 Mod

A very simple BFME1 mod with a few changes and balances

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Adding new videos ingame

Avatar of ched


Category: Other
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday June 17, 2007 - 6:23
Updated: Sunday October 20, 2013 - 3:29
Views: 11191
Summary: Convert videos from or to VP6, and learn how to add them ingame.


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A particularity that has to be known before we start editing the video is that the sound isn't attached directly to the video.
While this seems completely ridiculous, as the synchronisation is harder to deal with, it comes of great help when it comes to translating the videos to other languages.

Therefore, we'll start by working with the audio.

Setting up the audio

Open your video in VirtualDub and go to Audio -> Full Processing Mode, then, select File -> Save Wav. You'll now have the audio from your video saved to wav format.

Import the wav file you just created in Audacity, and export it in MP3 format.

Open up SoundeXchange, and select the MP3 file you just created. Then export it again to .dat

Your audio file is now compatible with the VP6Builder. You may delete the wav file, but keep the MP3 file handy, as it's the one you will use eventually.

Lastly, you'll need to remove the audio off your video. Go to Audio -> No Audio.

To sum up with all that you've done just now, and what you should have after having accomplished the steps above:

  • Your video is still opened in VirtualDub, but the audio has been disabled
  • The audio from said video is available in MP3 format, as well as in .dat format.

  • Setting up the video

    What we will now do is export our video to the VP6 format, the conventional one developed by On2 and which you downloaded and installed earlier.

    Go to Video -> Compression. You will find a list of all the installed codecs on your hard drive that are recognized by VirtualDub. You will now have to select the codec you wish to use in order to encode your video.

    Notice that there are several VP6 codecs in the codec pack. VP60 Simple Profile is the one you need to use for BFME.

    If you want to use your video in the Palantir, you have to crop/resize it to 224 x 224 pixels now. See page 6 for step by step instructions.

    After having selected the correct codec, depending on what you wish to use your video for, you can now choose File -> Save as AVI to export the video.

    It should take a while to encode, depending on how big the video is.
    Once the job is done, close VirtualDub and open VP6Builder.

    We will now start with the modding section of the video, to ensure that your video is usable ingame.

    Once again, let's sum up what you should have at the end of this page:

  • Your video is now available in avi format, encoded with the VP6 codec.
  • The audio from said video is available in MP3 format, as well as in .dat format.
  • Links / Downloads

    Palantir Video Converter2382February 20, 2011 - 7:16
    VP6 Tools Package3214June 17, 2007 - 14:25


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    Shadowleak - Sunday August 12, 2012 - 9:06

    i can't create the audio.dat...
    i start SoundeXchange from the VP6 Tools Package and select my mp3-file as input
    then i select the output...
    then i click on Create
    BUT nothing changes... perhaps the button is "dead"^^

    can someone help me?
    thanks :)

    {AE}Manveru - Monday July 5, 2010 - 13:13

    "as well as selecting the VP6 0 format when encoding to ensure that the alpha is supported"

    Don't you mean VP6 1 for alpha? If I'm not mistaken (and correct me if I am), VP6 0 is the one that doesn't support alpha, that's why palantir videos use VP6 1.

    DIGI_Byte (Team Chamber Member) - Monday June 1, 2009 - 12:04

    Is it me or does the number 4 not exsist?

    page 4 is missing

    Nazgûl (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday July 21, 2007 - 14:46

    AWESOME!!! Thank you! This has now made S.E.E. 10 times more appealing at start up =)

    Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday June 19, 2007 - 9:31

    That's the kind of tutorial i love. Thank you guys for sharing this with us!!

    Bart (Administrator) - Monday June 18, 2007 - 11:27

    pff, command line isn't hard at all...pussy :p

    Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday June 17, 2007 - 19:34

    Great tutorial! I'm going to be making my own videos for my mod, so thanks for the information on it. I didn't think that it would be this complicated!

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