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Custom Structures & AI for BFME1

Avatar of Hebblewhite


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Expert
Created: Wednesday July 18, 2007 - 15:36
Updated: Friday July 20, 2007 - 6:01
Views: 6964
Summary: Getting the BFME1 AI system to construct and utilise your custom structures effectively at run time


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That’s it for part 1, and the process is generally the same for all four factions in BFME1 with the exception of Mordor. For some reason, EA kindly decided to replace the “Attack Faction AI” folder with one called “Production Buildings” just to confuse us… so watch out for it.

Part 2:

In part one, we created the basic structure building script, and then made the new Barracks available when the AI system is in attacking mode. Now we need to play around with the build priority scripts and values so that our Barracks is considered when weighing up the type of units we need to create when under attack, or forming an attack of our own.

Save and close the "" file, and open “”.

Open the “[ns A] Predictive Building Init” script folder, and add the following entry to the “[ns A D][E N H]g_PredBuild - Variable Inits” script file:


Set 'l_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Priority' to 0

The above value can be increased from zero when required depending on the nature of the game being played, and the threats being posed to the AI system at any given time.

Next we need to add a repeat entry of our original structure building script to the “[ns A] Predictive Build Subs” script folder. In this case, we only need the condition, because the action is already set up for us in “”.

Add a script called “[S A nd] [E N H]g_PredBuild - Build Barracks Building” with the following contents:


*** IF ***
Can player Player '<This Player>' build at base Unit 'AI_CURRENT_CONSTRUCTION_SITE'

*** THEN ***
Null operation. (Does nothing.)

Now we need to set up a script that will activate our build command based on priority data that ways up economy, archer, cavalry, artillery and upgrade necessity at all given times during a game. We want our structure to be built only if it is of an equal or higher priority than the others…

Open the “[S A nd] [E N H]g_Predictive Build Execution” script folder, and copy the “[S A nd] [E N H]g_PredBuild - Infantry Building Is Highest Priority” script file and change the name to “[S A nd] [E N H]g_PredBuild - Barracks Building Is Highest Priority”. Then modify the condition/action statements in accordance with the following:

Links / Downloads

Custom Structures & AI for BFME11948July 18, 2007 - 15:40


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Hebblewhite - Wednesday July 18, 2007 - 15:58

I've attached a pdf version for easier reading!



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