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Custom Structures & AI for BFME1

Avatar of Hebblewhite


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Expert
Created: Wednesday July 18, 2007 - 15:36
Updated: Friday July 20, 2007 - 6:01
Views: 6964
Summary: Getting the BFME1 AI system to construct and utilise your custom structures effectively at run time


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*** IF ***
Counter 'g_PredBuild_My_Soldier_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PREDBUILD_MAX_INFANTRY'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_My_Soldier_Building_Count' IS Equal To 0
*** OR ***
Counter 'g_PredBuild_My_Soldier_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PREDBUILD_MAX_INFANTRY'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Count' IS Greater Than or Equal To counter 'g_PREDBUILD_OPP_SINGLE_UNIT'
*** OR ***
Counter 'g_PredBuild_My_Soldier_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PREDBUILD_MAX_INFANTRY'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PredBuild_Archer_Building_Count'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PredBuild_Artillery_Building_Count'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PredBuild_Infantry_Building_Count'
*AND* Counter 'g_PredBuild_Economy_Building_Count' IS Greater Than or Equal To counter 'g_PredBuild_Factory_Building_Count'

*** THEN ***
Counter 'l_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Priority' , Add with value 2

Again, note that we are using the infantry method that ties into the Soldier_Building_Counter, that allows us to monitor how close we are to the maximum number of appropriate infantry types at any given time.

Repeat the same process for the “[S A nd] [E N H]g_PredBuild - Set Infantry Building Filler Priority” script file. Don’t forget to change the name, and then add the following code:


*** IF ***
Counter 'g_PredBuild_My_Soldier_Building_Count' IS Less Than counter 'g_PREDBUILD_MAX_INFANTRY'

*** THEN ***
Counter 'l_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Priority' , Add with value 1

That’s pretty much it for the main scripting necessary for our new structure to function, with the exception of one last thing…

Part 3:

We now need to initialise any working values we require when the map is first loaded. Open “”. In our case, the only value left outstanding is that of the “Barracks_Building_Count” we have used previously.

Open the “[ns A]Non Over Ride-able Paper Work” script folder, and add the following line to the “[ns A D][E N H]g_Init - Initialize Global Variables (NonOverride)” script file:


Set 'g_PredBuild_Barracks_Building_Count' to 0

Links / Downloads

Custom Structures & AI for BFME11949July 18, 2007 - 15:40


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Hebblewhite - Wednesday July 18, 2007 - 15:58

I've attached a pdf version for easier reading!



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