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How to Make an EA style radius cursor

Avatar of Fred1231


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday February 14, 2009 - 13:45
Updated: Tuesday January 5, 2010 - 5:14
Views: 6878
Summary: A step-by-step guide to producing the decals which show for summon/area of effect powers


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This article should walk you through the steps to make a radius cursor for a new power.

You will need:
Adobe Photoshop (This techniques could be applied to other image editors, but I'll be using PS)
RadiusCursor_Template.psd (This is the starting point for the tutorial and is attached below)

If you want to follow the tutorial steps exactly I've also attached the three images I used as part of the design.


I'll be making a radius cursor for RJ-ROTWK's three hunters power, in which legolas, gimli and aragorn are summoned. I'm going to use each of their primary weapons to represent them in the image, as these are their simplest and most recognisable iconographies.

1. Open the RadiusCursor_Template.psd file attached in photoshop. It looks like this:
User image

User image

Paste in the reference picture of legolas's bow:
User image

and choose the pen tool. User image
We're going to use this to trace carefully around the bow. Click on a point at the end of the bow to place the first point, and then keep clicking around the outline. The closer you place each point, the smoother the final path will be, so don't try and save time by placing too few points. You can draw smooth curves by click, hold and drag, but this is a bit tricky and might be difficult if you haven't used the pen before. Placing many points along the curve works just as well in-game, but smooth curves can be drawn much quicker once you have mastered click, hold and drag :)

User image
(Only trace the bow part of the image, we don't want the magazine part...)

Once you've traced the whole shape it should look something like this:
User image

Links / Downloads

Image 3 - Aragorn Sword1314February 14, 2009 - 15:54
Image 2 - Gimli Axe1166February 14, 2009 - 15:53
Image 1 - Legolas Bow1266February 14, 2009 - 15:53
RadiusCursor_Template.psd1194February 14, 2009 - 15:52


Display order: Newest first

{AE}Manveru - Tuesday March 30, 2010 - 18:07

As far as I can tell, great tutorial. Sadly, I can't figure out how to do this in GIMP.

Delta Omega - Tuesday August 18, 2009 - 12:09

Great for Arnor! Stuck on hoe to do this for a while.


Srry it was meant to be: Great for Arnor! Stuck on how to do this for a while.

constermonster - Tuesday May 19, 2009 - 0:57

that will really help once i start on the spellbook :)

Lurtzy - Monday February 16, 2009 - 13:10

I have been wanting to do this, but I couldn't get it right. Thanks!

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