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Cloud of Darkness and FreezingRain!Tutorial for BFME, BFME 2
Category: |
Code |
Level: |
Created: |
Thursday March 22, 2012 - 13:03 |
Updated: |
Thursday March 22, 2012 - 16:35 |
Views: |
5453 |
Summary: |
http://www.the3rdage.net/files/20915/game%202012-03-22%2016-51-06-38.jpg |
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2 votes
!WARNING! this file from bfme1 and if you wanna chage him in bfme2 or rotwk don't change original full file to this!
BUT, what do I change the game suitable for all bfme.
Code |
;File: Environment.INI ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;This file contains data for environmental effects overridable at map.ini level
; This DefaultSky texture scheme must be present and texture names must match
; the assigned textures in new_skybox.w3d
SkyboxTextureSet DefaultSky
SkyboxTextureN = SkyBox_01.tga
SkyboxTextureE = SkyBox_02.tga
SkyboxTextureS = SkyBox_03.tga
SkyboxTextureW = SkyBox_04.tga
SkyboxTextureT = SkyBox_05.tga
SkyboxTextureSet Morning
SkyboxTextureN = TSMorningN.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSMorningE.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSMorningS.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSMorningW.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSMorningT.tga
SkyboxTextureSet MountDoom
SkyboxTextureN = SkyBox_01.tga
SkyboxTextureE = SkyBox_02.tga
SkyboxTextureS = SkyBox_03.tga
SkyboxTextureW = SkyBox_04.tga
SkyboxTextureT = SkyBox_05.tga
SkyboxTextureSet DesertSun
SkyboxTextureN = TSDesertSun_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSDesertSun_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSDesertSun_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSDesertSun_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSDesertSun_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet Dusky
SkyboxTextureN = TSDusky_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSDusky_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSDusky_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSDusky_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSDusky_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet MidDay
SkyboxTextureN = TSMidDay_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSMidDay_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSMidDay_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSMidDay_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSMidDay_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet Moon
SkyboxTextureN = TSMoon__N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSMoon__E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSMoon__S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSMoon__W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSMoon__T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet MorningCloudy
SkyboxTextureN = TSMrnCldy_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSMrnCldy_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSMrnCldy_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSMrnCldy_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSMrnCldy_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet MountainSnow
SkyboxTextureN = TSNightMtnSnw_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSNightMtnSnw_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSNightMtnSnw_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSNightMtnSnw_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSNightMtnSnw_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet NightSky
SkyboxTextureN = TSNightSky_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSNightSky_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSNightSky_S.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSNightSky_W.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSNightSky_T.tga
SkyboxTextureSet Sunny
SkyboxTextureN = TSSunny_N.tga
SkyboxTextureE = TSSunny_E.tga
SkyboxTextureS = TSSunny_E.tga
SkyboxTextureW = TSSunny_E.tga
SkyboxTextureT = TSSunny_E.tga
GlowEnabled = Yes
GlowDiameter = 15 ; 11 - 50 Diameter of gaussian blur in texels in the glow texture.
GlowIntensity = 1.3 ; 0.3 - 2.0 Glow color is multiplied by this value
GlowTextureWidth = 256 ; must be power of 2. 128, 256 and 512 are interesting. Bigger texture gives smaller glow, cause pixels are smaller.
RadiusScale1 = 0.18 ;
Amplitude1 = 0.06 ;
RadiusScale2 = 4.5 ;
Amplitude2 = 0.11 ;
TerrainGlow = No
MultipassGlowEnabled = No
; stock values provided in the demo app.
; A - 27, 0.9, 128, 0.18, 0.06, 4.5, 0.11
; B - 17, 1.6, 128, 0.25, 0.06, 3.0, 0.15
; C - 44, 0.2, 256, 0.18, 0.24, 4.5, 0.41
; D - 21, 0.9, 128, 0.11, 0.1, 4.5, 0.11
Scale = 10.0 ; scales the distance the effect stretches
Blend = 1.0 ; amount the effect blends. 0 = no effect, 1 = full, > 1 == overblend.
BaseColor = R:118 G:118 B:138 ; note - 2x multiply is used, so 128 = no change.
EffectColor = R:118 G:118 B:138
EffectSaturation = 0.4 ; Color saturation of effect. 0=monochrome, 1.0 = scene color.
BaseSaturation = 0.3 ; Color saturation of base scene. 0=monochrome, 1.0 = scene color.
Velocity = 1.0 ; Speed the effect moves.
TextureCross = 1; How fast the textures cross.
TextureRepeatCount = 5; number of times the vapor texture tiles across the screen.
EffectBlurDiameter = 3; Base image is blurred this many pixels before distortion.
BaseBlurDiameter = 5; Base image is blurred this many pixels before copying to frame.
Scale = 10.0 ; scales the distance the effect stretches
Blend = 1.0 ; amount the effect blends. 0 = no effect, 1 = full, > 1 == overblend.
BaseColor = R:128 G:128 B:128 ; note - 2x multiply is used, so 128 = no change.
EffectColor = R:200 G:200 B:180
EffectSaturation = 1.0 ; Color saturation of effect. 0=monochrome, 1.0 = scene color.
BaseSaturation = 1.0 ; Color saturation of base scene. 0=monochrome, 1.0 = scene color.
Velocity = 1.0 ; Speed the effect moves.
TextureCross = 1; How fast the textures cross.
TextureRepeatCount = 5; number of times the vapor texture tiles across the screen.
CloudTexture = exdarkclouda.tga ; texture of cloud: darkcloud.tga darkcloud_light
DarkCloudTexture = exdarkcloudc.tga ; texture of cloud: darkcloud.tga darkcloud_light
AlphaTexture = darkcloudalpha_256.tga ; texture of wave pattern darkcloudalpha.tga testpattern_cross.tga
PropagateSpeed = 0.060 ; speed of wave (0.075)
Angle = -30 ; angle of wave 210(MT)
DarkeningFactor = R:75 G:75 B:75 ; factor to darken units and buildings 204
DarkeningRate = 300 ; frames to darken objects over (400)
LighteningRate = 100 ; frames to lighten objects over
CloudScrollSpeed = 3.0 ; speed of cloud noise scroll
DissipateTexture = diffusecloud.tga ; texture of light reveal
DissipateStartLevel = 2.0 ; start value of light patch
DissipateSpeed = 15.0 ; speed dispate spreads 75.0
DissipateRateScale = 0.3; ; modifies darkening/lightening rate
; during dissipate phase by this amount
; We no longer set on/off in here, we set it in Weather.ini because some clouds want
; lightning and others don't
; Lightning = Yes ; lightning on/off
LightningShadows = Yes ; do lightning shadows, expensive! turn it off on low-end machines
JitterLightningLightIntensity = Yes ; flicker intensity of lightning light
JitterLightningLightPosition = Yes ; jitter position of lightning light (most expensive)
LightningChance = 0.005 ; chance of lightning
LightningDuration = 10 50 ; in frames
LightningFrequency = 0.1 ; chance of moving light around (0..1)
LightningIntensity = 0.05 0.4 ; additive
LightningShadowColor = R:0 G:0 B:0 ; lightning shadow color
LightningShadowIntensity = 0.6 ; lightning shadow intensity (0..1)
LightningLightPosition1 = X:25 Y:100 ; hard-coded positions so artists can exaggerate lightning + shadow-caching may be possible later
LightningLightPosition2 = X:27 Y:113 ; could have easily made into a vector except for our override system
LightningLightPosition3 = X:25 Y:126
LightningFX = FX_LightningThunderStrike ; FX to go with lightning
we need edit to code only CloudEffect
Code |
CloudTexture = exdarkclouda.tga ; texture of cloud: darkcloud.tga darkcloud_light
DarkCloudTexture = exdarkcloudc.tga ; texture of cloud: darkcloud.tga darkcloud_light
AlphaTexture = darkcloudalpha_256.tga ; texture of wave pattern darkcloudalpha.tga testpattern_cross.tga
PropagateSpeed = 0.060 ; speed of wave (0.075)
Angle = -30 ; angle of wave 210(MT)
DarkeningFactor = R:75 G:75 B:75 ; factor to darken units and buildings 204
DarkeningRate = 300 ; frames to darken objects over (400)
LighteningRate = 100 ; frames to lighten objects over
CloudScrollSpeed = 3.0 ; speed of cloud noise scroll
DissipateTexture = diffusecloud.tga ; texture of light reveal
DissipateStartLevel = 2.0 ; start value of light patch
DissipateSpeed = 15.0 ; speed dispate spreads 75.0
DissipateRateScale = 0.3; ; modifies darkening/lightening rate
; during dissipate phase by this amount
; We no longer set on/off in here, we set it in Weather.ini because some clouds want
; lightning and others don't
; Lightning = Yes ; lightning on/off
LightningShadows = Yes ; do lightning shadows, expensive! turn it off on low-end machines
JitterLightningLightIntensity = Yes ; flicker intensity of lightning light
JitterLightningLightPosition = Yes ; jitter position of lightning light (most expensive)
LightningChance = 0.005 ; chance of lightning
LightningDuration = 10 50 ; in frames
LightningFrequency = 0.1 ; chance of moving light around (0..1)
LightningIntensity = 0.05 0.4 ; additive
LightningShadowColor = R:0 G:0 B:0 ; lightning shadow color
LightningShadowIntensity = 0.6 ; lightning shadow intensity (0..1)
LightningLightPosition1 = X:25 Y:100 ; hard-coded positions so artists can exaggerate lightning + shadow-caching may be possible later
LightningLightPosition2 = X:27 Y:113 ; could have easily made into a vector except for our override system
LightningLightPosition3 = X:25 Y:126
LightningFX = FX_LightningThunderStrike ; FX to go with lightning
Code |
CloudTexture = exdarkclouda.tga ;Texture When it rain. If change to exdarkcloudc.tga we get rain + clouds of darkness.
Code |
DarkCloudTexture = exdarkcloudc.tga ;Texture when darkness.
AlphaTexture = darkcloudalpha_256.tga ; When starting, i am guess, darkness. this don't important.
Code |
DarkeningFactor = R:50 G:50 B:50
;DarkeningFactor = R:75 G:75 B:75 ; I did not notice significant changes, but it is better to lower the value for a darker effect
;factor to darken units and buildings 204
We now make frequent occurrence of lightning in the rain.
Code |
LightningChance = 0.005 ; chance of lightning
LightningDuration = 10 50 ; in frames
LightningFrequency = 0.1 ; chance of moving light around (0..1)
LightningIntensity = 0.05 0.4 ; additive
LightningShadowColor = R:0 G:0 B:0 ; lightning shadow color
LightningShadowIntensity = 0.6 ; lightning shadow intensity (0..1)
Code |
LightningChance = 0.50 ; chance of lightning
LightningDuration = 50 100 ; 10 50 ; in frames
LightningFrequency = 0.5 ;0.1 ; chance of moving light around (0..1)
LightningIntensity = 0.05 0.4 ; additive
LightningShadowColor = R:0 G:0 B:0 ; lightning shadow color
LightningShadowIntensity = 0.8 ;0.6 ; lightning shadow intensity (0..1)
You can find the texture exdarkclouda.dds or exdarkcloudc.dds and make a darker, to your taste, as I did.
for bfme1: Textures.big
for bfme2 and rotwk one path: folder when install bfme2 Textures1.big
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