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Expansion AI Bases for each free base place

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday January 2, 2014 - 18:36
Updated: Wednesday January 8, 2014 - 11:38
Views: 7393
Summary: How to make AI Bases "everywhere"


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For sure you've noticed that AI-MenFaction can build > 1 Base(fortress+stables and etc)
and this bases located when was/can start play player(start point),
And only AI-MenFaction can do it - it's all have a reason...
BUT now we can give this opportunity for each factions!
Do not ask me how it occurs and why, how i understand this system, just look what need doing for get it

that's what I speak:

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2 bases of one AI-player

what we need edit:
page 3: ..\data\ini\object\goodfaction\structures\men\fortress.ini /MenFortress/ModuleTag_castle
page 4: modifier porters of each factions
page 5: ..\data\ini\default\skirmishaidata.ini /AIBase of each faction and ArmyDefinition("")/TacticalAITargets(desirably, but not necessarily)
page 6: editing bases of AI(.bse)

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