The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn

Age of the Firstborn

A mod that adds two new factions, new CaH-Class, new maps and more

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extended map.ini coding

Avatar of -SilverBane-


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Thursday May 28, 2015 - 16:08
Updated: Sunday May 31, 2015 - 10:20
Views: 6572
Summary: A tutorial for those who want to make heavily customized maps, but modders might find tricks too!


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Well, this area is one of the most creative around. You can modify/add visuals to your unit with these w3D draw modules.
I will go back to my hero Lightning and I will show you how I have made his lightning amulet and more!

He uses these models/skls - the easterling CaH one


    Model         = CHCM_FN_U_SKN
    Skeleton         = CHCM_CM_U_SKL

I won't post his animations code, since its huge and not much to explain about it. But it is an important piece of code inside his Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw:


ExtraPublicBone = B_HAND_R
ExtraPublicBone = B_HANDL

Now I will show you how to attach a sword to his hand:


    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw FireBrand
            Model = CUFireBrand ; the sword model
ParticleSysBone = PLANE02 FlamingSwordLightning FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:80

ModelConditionState =    SPECIAL_WEAPON_FIVE ; only when using sword hit show extra fire
            Model = CUFireBrand
ParticleSysBone = PLANE02 FlamingSwordLightning FollowBone = Yes Persist:SPAWN PersistID:80

        AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = B_HAND_R

FlamingSwordLightning - is a ParticleSystem

When in default model condition state, the particle system won't show, so you can only see a sword, however when he uses SPECIAL_WEAPON_FIVE, he gets extra flames on his sword (how cool :P )

The magic is here : AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = B_HAND_R - that means it's attached to his right hand!


Using this same system, I have made him have a different phial glow when doing different things. So it changes to another color when using certain spell :)


    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw AmuletOfPowerYellow
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlow FollowBone = Yes Persist:SPAWN PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
            Model = NONE
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlow FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlow FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_FOUR
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlow FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100


        AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = B_HANDL

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw AmuletOfPowerBlue
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowBlue FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
            Model = NONE
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowBlue FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowBlue FollowBone = Yes Persist:SPAWN PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_FOUR
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowBlue FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100


        AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = B_HANDL

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw AmuletOfPowerGreen
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowGreen FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
            Model = NONE
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowGreen FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowGreen FollowBone = Yes Persist:HOLD PersistID:100

        ModelConditionState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_FOUR
            Model = Cine_Phial
ParticleSysBone = PHIAL AmuletOfPowerGlowGreen FollowBone = Yes Persist:SPAWN PersistID:100


        AttachToBoneInAnotherModule = B_HANDL

So basically, if you want to mix 2 models, find a bone you want and attach to it another model! :)

Don't forget to use AddModule, I haven't used it here to make it easier to understand!

On the next page you will find out some tricks and useful info...

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