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Spline modelling a Sword

Avatar of Kwen


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday March 2, 2010 - 19:39
Updated: Tuesday March 2, 2010 - 22:47
Views: 6489
Summary: A detailed walkthrough of my process of spline modelling an elven sword.


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Hello all, I am here today to show you a little insight to one of my methods for scratch modelling weapons. In this case, Haldir's Sword. I was always displeased with the fact that he was always given EA's Elrond Sword, when his is very unique. So, I decided to make his.

This is how it turned out in the end:
User image

This tutorial, is actually more of a walkthrough. Extremely detailed, explaining virtually every step I go through. There are many images and steps in here that honestly don't deserve an image. But, there may be some people who will benefit from them, and possibly prevent others from getting lost.

Regardless, here I go.

When spline modelling weapons, (doesn't matter which weapon) it is essential that you have an accurate and detailed reference picture. This picture's dimensions must be equal, so that when they are applied to a cube (you'll see soon) the image is not stretched or warped. In my case, I just used the texture I had already made.

This is done in Max, however should still be possible in RenX. There really aren't any complicated methods involved. As long as the Line tool is there, this is exactly the same process in RenX.

Anyways, I suppose I'll start.

With Max open, and a new document open, the first thing I will do is select the Top Right box, which is Front.
User image

Now, I will make a cube (not a box). I do this because i need the dimensions to be exact, so that the texture is applied perfectly and not distorted.
User image

Now I change the view to Smooth + Highlights So I will be able to see the texture in this window. Do this by right clicking on the word "Front" up in the top left corner.
User image

Now, I apply my texture to the cube. Since it is a perfect square, there is no need to do any modifying the UVWrapping.
User image

Now, I move the cube so that in the "Front" window I can see the grid over the texture.
User image


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modboy451 - Friday January 28, 2011 - 14:22

it solved my dilemma with making a new sword!

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Friday March 12, 2010 - 4:27

There we go I fixed your repetitiveness for you Kwen :p

Kwen (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday March 3, 2010 - 8:07

The problem with that, is because I'm showing a full window, if I make the pictures too small it will become hard to see what I clicked on.

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday March 3, 2010 - 2:43

Nice tutorial,I had forgotten about spline modelling it's been so long since I've done any actual modelling :p
Perhaps you should promote this tutorial in the next weekly news.
1 thing though maybe you should shrink down the images or something as it stretches the page a fair deal.

Kwen (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday March 2, 2010 - 22:46

Please do. And if you see anything I may have been not very clear about, or mistakes, let me know.

I put up a finished product pic. ;)

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday March 2, 2010 - 21:50

Very intriguing. Never thought of this modeling method. Will have to try it out. :)

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