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Apollo's Ultimate Intermediate Tutorial

Avatar of Elric


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday January 23, 2011 - 19:36
Updated: Sunday June 16, 2013 - 19:51
Views: 13021
Summary: Almost all you need to know about intermediate coding...


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Weapon.ini Editing

Weapon.ini supplies all of the different weapons and the damage that they do in game. Some weapons are spells such as Word Of Power or they can be spellbook powers such as sunflare. The main weapons in game are hero weapons and infantry weapons. I will edit Faramirs Bow and Sword for this tutorial.

First Find Faramirs Sword which looks like this:


Weapon FaramirSword
LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
MeleeWeapon = Yes
FireFX = FX_GondorSwordHit
DelayBetweenShots = FARAMIR_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS             ; time between shots, msec
PreAttackDelay = FARAMIR_PREATTACKDELAY     ; 400 is sword swing delay time before contact with target.
PreAttackType = PER_SHOT ; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
FiringDuration = FARAMIR_FIRINGDURATION     ; Duration of the sword swing

DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL

Lets say you want his sword elctrecute enemies when he hits them.
Then you would change DamageFXType to ELECTRIC and Change DeathType to EXPLODED.

Also Lets say you want him to kill 2-3 enemies at once. well change Radius to 2.0.
More damage? Sure change FARAMIR_DAMAGE to 250 or more.
Want an FX to shoot out each time you hit change FireFX to anything you want even Word Of Power. If you change the FX the actual weapon for it wont work but the Particl System will.

Moving On To Faramirs Bow.

Faramirs Bow Looks like this:


Weapon FaramirBow
AttackRange            = FARAMIR_BOW_RANGE

RangeBonusMinHeight    = 10
    RangeBonus        = 1
    RangeBonusPerFoot    = 1 ; ;#MULTIPLY( FARAMIR_BOW_RANGE .01 )
LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
WeaponSpeed            = 321 ; dist/sec
MinWeaponSpeed        = 241
MaxWeaponSpeed        = 481 ; dist/sec Upper limit on scaling, when attacking past nominal "max" range
FireFX                = FX_RohanArcherBowWeapon
ScaleWeaponSpeed    = Yes ; Used for lob weapons, scales speed proportional to range
HitPercentage        = 100 ;When this weapon is used it will hit exactly 75% of the time.
ScatterRadius        = 0.0 ;When this weapon misses it can randomly miss by as much as this distance.

DelayBetweenShots    = FARAMIR_BOW_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS ; time between shots, msec
PreAttackDelay        = FARAMIR_BOW_PREATTACKDELAY ; 1467 is the prep time for archer.
PreAttackType        = PER_POSITION
FiringDuration        = FARAMIR_BOW_FIRINGDURATION ; Duration of the archer firing shot is 500ms.

ClipSize            = 1
AutoReloadsClip        = Yes
AutoReloadWhenIdle    = 1    
ContinuousFireOne    = 0
AntiAirborneVehicle    = Yes
AntiAirborneMonster    = Yes

CanFireWhileMoving        = Yes

ProjectileNugget ; Default arrow
ProjectileTemplateName = GoodFactionArrow
WarheadTemplateName = FaramirBowWarhead

Notice there is no damage Nugget but there is:


ProjectileNugget ; Default arrow
ProjectileTemplateName = GoodFactionArrow
WarheadTemplateName = FaramirBowWarhead

So here is the warhead which is found in Weapon.ini also:


Weapon FaramirBowWarhead
ProjectileCollidesWith = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRAL STRUCTURES WALLS ; Remember, the projectile is a rock, who has no allies
HitStoredTarget = Yes    ; Always hits initial target.
DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Radius = 0.0    ; HitStoredTarget means we hurt the person we launched at. And nobody else. So a miss hurts nobody.
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO_RANGED
;DamageScalar = 25000% NONE +MordorMumakil
DeathType = NORMAL

Now you can edit the same thing as the sword in the Warhead section, but if you want your hero to shoot its bow faster you have to use FaramirBow piece of code.

To make the bow shoot fast change:

ClipSize            = 1
AutoReloadsClip        = Yes
AutoReloadWhenIdle    = 1    
ContinuousFireOne    = 0



ClipSize            = 1
AutoReloadsClip        = Yes
AutoReloadWhenIdle    = 1    
ClipReloadTime        = Min:5 Max:5
ContinuousFireOne    = 0
ContinuousFireCoast    = 5

Now it will shoot faster.

This is just to get the general Idea of Weapon.ini
Now you Know how to edit the damage rate of fire.

Links / Downloads

Clanks Ultimate Beginner Tutorial1777January 23, 2011 - 19:39


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wesleypicard - Monday July 23, 2018 - 2:15

rate it a 10 but i am confused on one thing on page 3 where you explain how to increase horde size. i understand part of it. do i have to change the initial payload as well or leave that alone? and what about the rohirram? do you do the same with them as with the elven warriors?


elric thanks so much for this tutorial i am finally able to increase horde sizes thanks to this.

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 6:10

In the FX ParticleSystems Shader refers to the type of Shader used these can be Alpha which reads the Alpha channel,Additive which reads Black as transparency and of course you can choose not to have them.

Zues - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 15:07

Pretty Clear could use a little improvmennt

Elric - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 9:53

@newbkiller: what do you mean choice 2. i need a page number to help you?

newbkiller.williams - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 4:26

could you explain choice number 2 aswell please , because i dont know how to put a new models/textures into the game

Poseidon - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:43

I really think that this article follows up clanks in quite a few ways. I can't wait until this whole article is finished! This will be very helpful to me in some map.ini coding and maybe modding once i think i am ready for it...

Elric - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:23

Please Comment and Rate. I would release this whole tutorial in one go but i wanted to release half first and then half later. Just in case I never finished it so at least people will have 1 half of it...

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