The 3rd Age

Lone Wolf: The Age of Numenor

Lone Wolf: The Age of Numenor

Lone Wolf Age of Numenor is a large scale mod that sets Lone Wolf during the time of Realms in Exile

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Apollo's Ultimate Intermediate Tutorial

Avatar of Elric


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday January 23, 2011 - 19:36
Updated: Sunday June 16, 2013 - 19:51
Views: 13819
Summary: Almost all you need to know about intermediate coding...


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Making Larger Hordes.

Note: Make RohanElvenWarriors be recruited from somewhere.

For this tutorial piece I will be using the "RohanElvenWarriorHorde".
Go to your hordes folder and click on Rohan. Then Open up the ini and look For RohanElvenWarriorHorde.

The RohanElvenWarriorHorde Code:


Object RohanElvenWarriorHorde

    ; This is required for garrisoned objects - please put in all objects.
    ButtonImage      = BCElvenBarracks_ElvenWarriors
    SelectPortrait = UPRohan_ElvenWarrior

    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_W3DModelDraw
            Model = None ;InvisHrdeTmp5x2
        ModelConditionState = HORDE_EMPTY
            Model = None
        ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER
            Model = HordeTemp_5By2

    Side = Men ; ;Obsolete
    EditorSorting = UNIT
    EmotionRange = 240
    DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanElvenWarrior ; ;OBJECT:HordeRohanElves
    DisplayNameStrategic = CONTROLBAR:LW_Unit_ElvenWarriorHorde ; ;
    DescriptionStrategic = CONTROLBAR:LW_ToolTip_ElvenWarriorHorde ; ;
        Conditions = None
        Weapon = PRIMARY ElvenArcherMissileHordeRangefinder
        Conditions = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
        Weapon = PRIMARY    NormalMeleeHordeRangefinder
    CommandSet = RohanElvenWarriorHordeCommandSet

    ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
    ; Note: Don't put voice parameters here -- they will be ignored. Voice play requests
    ; are always passed through to members
    #include "..\..\..\includes\"

    CrushableLevel = 0 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
    CrusherLevel = 0

    BuildCost = ROHAN_ELVENWARRIOR_BUILDCOST            
    BuildTime = ROHAN_ELVENWARRIOR_BUILDTIME            
    VisionSide = 40%
    VisionRear = 15%
    VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 1.0%
    ShroudClearingRange = 470 ; ;161
    CommandPoints = 40 ; ;20
    FormationWidth = 2 ; Width it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2.
    FormationDepth = 1 ; Depth it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2.
    Body = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_ImmortalBody
        MaxHealth = 1
    Behavior = StancesBehavior ModuleTag_StancesBehavior
StanceTemplate = FighterHorde

    #include "..\..\..\includes\"
    Behavior = HordeAIUpdate ModuleTag_HordeAIUpdate
        AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS STEALTHED
        MoodAttackCheckRate = 500
        MaxCowerTime                =    5000
        MinCowerTime                =    3000
        CanAttackWhileContained = Yes ; Can fire out of garrisoned building        
AILuaEventsList                = InfantryFunctions    
AttackPriority                =     AttackPriority_Archer

    Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
        ObjectStatusOfContained =
        InitialPayload = RohanElvenWarrior 10 ; ;GOOD_MEN_HORDE_SIZE
        Slots = 10 ; ;5
        PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY
        ShowPips = No
        ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes    ;Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
        RandomOffset = X:1 Y:1
        ; Banner Carrier info        
        BannerCarriersAllowed    = RohanBanner                                        ; types of units that are allowed as banner carriers
        BannerCarrierPosition    = UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior    Pos:X:35.0 Y:0.0    ; (DEFAULT) position of banner carrier for elven warrior horde
        ; Positions for 10 ; ;5
        RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior Position:X:13 Y:0    Position:X:8 Y:25        Position:X:8 Y:-25        Position:X:3 Y:50        Position:X:3 Y:-50     
        RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior Position:X:-9 Y:0    Position:X:-12 Y:25    Position:X:-12 Y:-25    Position:X:-15 Y:50    Position:X:-15 Y:-50
        RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2
        MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 25; How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.
    Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_PhysicsBehavior
        GravityMult = 1.0
    Behavior = EmotionTrackerUpdate    Module_EmotionTracker
        TauntAndPointDistance        =    INFANTRY_TAUNT_POINT_RADIUS        ; max distance to taunted/pointed objet
        TauntAndPointUpdateDelay    =    1000    ; how often scan (milliseconds)
        TauntAndPointExcluded        =    NONE
        AfraidOf                    =    NONE +GondorGwaihir +RohanTreeBerd +RohanEntFir +RohanEntAsh +RohanEntBirch +MordorCaveTroll +MordorMountainTroll +MordorDrummerTroll +MordorFellBeast +MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast +MordorMumakil;Must be SCARY kindof as well.
        AlwaysAfraidOf                =    NONE +MordorBalrog +RohanOathbreaker +MordorSauron ;+MordorWitchKing +MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast
        PointAt                =    NONE +MordorFellBeast +MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast +GondorGwaihir
        HeroScanDistance        =    150
        FearScanDistance        =    ARCHER_FEAR_SCAN_RADIUS

        AddEmotion    =    Terror_Base
        AddEmotion    =    Doom_Base
        AddEmotion    = BraceForBeingCrushed_Base
        AddEmotion    =    UncontrollableFear_Base
        AddEmotion    =    FearIdle_Base
        AddEmotion    =    FearBusy_Base
        AddEmotion    =    Point_Base
        AddEmotion    =    Taunt_Base    
        AddEmotion    =    CheerIdle_Base
        AddEmotion    =    CheerBusy_Base
        AddEmotion    =    HeroCheerIdle_Base
        AddEmotion    =    HeroCheerBusy_Base
        AddEmotion    =    Alert_Base

        Locomotor = NormalMeleeHordeLocomotor
        Condition = SET_NORMAL

    Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag
        GiveNoXP = Yes

; ;
    Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenBasicTraining
        LevelsToGain = 1
        LevelCap = 2
    Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_ProductionLegality
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenForgedBlades
    Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_ProductionLegality2
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenHeavyArmor

    Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_ProductionLegality3
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenSilverthornArrows
    Geometry = BOX
    GeometryMajorRadius = 20.0
    GeometryMinorRadius = 20.0
    GeometryHeight = 20.0
    GeometryIsSmall = No

Ok Look at these pieces of code:


Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
        ObjectStatusOfContained =
        InitialPayload = RohanElvenWarrior 10 ; ;GOOD_MEN_HORDE_SIZE
        Slots = 10 ; ;5
        PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY
        ShowPips = No
        ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes    ;Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
        RandomOffset = X:1 Y:1
        ; Banner Carrier info        
        BannerCarriersAllowed    = RohanBanner                                        ; types of units that are allowed as banner carriers
        BannerCarrierPosition    = UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior    Pos:X:35.0 Y:0.0    ; (DEFAULT) position of banner carrier for elven warrior horde
        ; Positions for 10 ; ;5
        RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior Position:X:13 Y:0    Position:X:8 Y:25        Position:X:8 Y:-25        Position:X:3 Y:50        Position:X:3 Y:-50     
        RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior Position:X:-9 Y:0    Position:X:-12 Y:25    Position:X:-12 Y:-25    Position:X:-15 Y:50    Position:X:-15 Y:-50
        RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2
        MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 25; How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.

See The "Slots =" and it says 10 which is the amount of units in the horde. Change it to 15. After that go to the Positions for 10 and copy RankNumber:1 Completly and paste it below RankNumber:2 and change the 1 to 3 and change the positions. After fooling around and getting the positions it should look like this:

RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:RohanElvenWarrior Position:X:10 Y:0 Leader 2 0    Position:X:10 Y:20 Leader 2 1    Position:X:10 Y:-20 Leader 2 2    Position:X:10 Y:40 Leader 2 3    Position:X:10 Y:-40 Leader 2 4

Now go to game and Buy some ElvenWarriors and there should be 3 rows.

Links / Downloads

Clanks Ultimate Beginner Tutorial1806January 23, 2011 - 19:39


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wesleypicard - Monday July 23, 2018 - 2:15

rate it a 10 but i am confused on one thing on page 3 where you explain how to increase horde size. i understand part of it. do i have to change the initial payload as well or leave that alone? and what about the rohirram? do you do the same with them as with the elven warriors?


elric thanks so much for this tutorial i am finally able to increase horde sizes thanks to this.

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 6:10

In the FX ParticleSystems Shader refers to the type of Shader used these can be Alpha which reads the Alpha channel,Additive which reads Black as transparency and of course you can choose not to have them.

Zues - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 15:07

Pretty Clear could use a little improvmennt

Elric - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 9:53

@newbkiller: what do you mean choice 2. i need a page number to help you?

newbkiller.williams - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 4:26

could you explain choice number 2 aswell please , because i dont know how to put a new models/textures into the game

Poseidon - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:43

I really think that this article follows up clanks in quite a few ways. I can't wait until this whole article is finished! This will be very helpful to me in some map.ini coding and maybe modding once i think i am ready for it...

Elric - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:23

Please Comment and Rate. I would release this whole tutorial in one go but i wanted to release half first and then half later. Just in case I never finished it so at least people will have 1 half of it...

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