The 3rd Age

Master Hero Version 1.6

Master Hero Version 1.6

1.6 of Master Hero Version ROTWK Mod for Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Apollo's Ultimate Intermediate Tutorial

Avatar of Elric


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Sunday January 23, 2011 - 19:36
Updated: Sunday June 16, 2013 - 19:51
Views: 13819
Summary: Almost all you need to know about intermediate coding...


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Making New Hero

Note A- Make a new ini with your hero name in lowercase letters.
Note B- Make sure you have lotr.str extracted from English.BIG located in your lang folder..

Ok, Open up your new ini and and past this at the top and fill in where it says your YourHero:


;    YourHero.ini

; YourHero
Object YourHero
    ; *** ART Parameters ***

; SelectPortrait for Heros is portrait behind skill buttons. HP = HeroPortrait.
    SelectPortrait = HPBorimir <----Can Be Changed

; ButtonImage for Heros is button image on Hero Select UI to select hero. HI = HeroIcon or HeroImage.
    ButtonImage = HIBorimir <----Can Be Changed
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DRAW

StaticModelLODMode = yes ; Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD

     OkToChangeModelColor = Yes

Once you have filled it in you have 2 choices.

Choice 1- Get a skin already in game and rename it and new powers or
Choice 2- Get a New Skin from your artwork and get a skl already in game and new powers and name.

Choice 1 is the easiest to do in my opinion so ill explain that one.
Lets say i want my new rider hero to look and attack like Aragorn then I would copy this from Aragorn.ini and paste it in my NewHero.ini:

            Model = GUAragorn_SKN
        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE USER_3
            ParticleSysBone = BAT_RIBS BladeMaster FollowBone:Yes
            ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD AragornElendill FollowBone:Yes

        ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
            ParticleSysBone = BAT_RIBS BladeMaster FollowBone:Yes

        ModelConditionState = USER_3
            ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD AragornElendill FollowBone:Yes

        TransitionState                = TRANS_boredToAttention_Elendil
            Animation                = GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
            FXEvent    = Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent
        TransitionState                = TRANS_attentionToBored_Elendil
            Animation                = GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationMode        = ONCE_BACKWARDS
            FXEvent                    = Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent
            Flags                    = START_FRAME_LAST

        TransitionState                = TRANS_boredToAttention
            Animation                = GUAragorn_ATND

                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
        TransitionState                = TRANS_attentionToBored
            Animation                = GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATND
                AnimationMode        = ONCE_BACKWARDS
            Flags                    = START_FRAME_LAST

    ; --- Idle Anims
            StateName                = STATE_bored
            Animation                = GUAragorn_IDLE        ;no_fidget
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLE
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 12
            Animation                = GUAragorn_IDLF        ;fidget
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLF
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 1
                Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState()
                if    Prev == "STATE_attention" or
                    Prev == "STATE_running" or
                    Prev == "OATH_BREAKERS" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_attentionToBored") end
        AnimationState            = THROWN_PROJECTILE
            Animation            = FLYA
                AnimationName    = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA
                AnimationMode    = LOOP
        AnimationState            = STUNNED_FLAILING
            Animation            = FLYA
                AnimationName    = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA
                AnimationMode    = LOOP
                AnimationSpeedFactorRange    = 0.4 0.6
        AnimationState             = DYING SPLATTED
            Animation         = Splatted_On_Ground
                AnimationName    = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA
                AnimationMode    = ONCE
            EnteringStateFX        = FX_SoldierHitGround
        ; --- Dying anims
        AnimationState                = DYING
            Animation                = GUAragorn_DIEA
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEA
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
            Animation                = GUAragorn_DIEB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
        AnimationState                        = PARALYZED
                AnimationName                = GUAragorn_IDLE
                AnimationMode                = LOOP

        AnimationState                = STUNNED_STANDING_UP
            Animation                = GUAragorn_GTPB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_GTPB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5

        AnimationState            = STUNNED
            Animation            = LNDA
                AnimationName    = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA
                AnimationMode    = ONCE
            EnteringStateFX        = FX_SoldierHitGround

    ; --- Attacking Anims [Weapon_A]
        AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A
            ShareAnimation        = Yes
            Animation = RunAndFire
                AnimationName = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATRA
                AnimationMode = LOOP
            Flags = RANDOMSTART
        AnimationState                = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE ; Blademaster Mode
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = ATKF
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKF
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming        = Yes
            Flags                    = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE
            FXEvent    = Frame:25 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient
            FXEvent    = Frame:45 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient

        AnimationState                = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = ATKD
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKD
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming        = Yes
                AnimationPriority    = 3
            Animation                = ATKE
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKE
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming        = Yes
                AnimationPriority    = 2
            Flags                    =    RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE

    ; --- Moving Anims    
        AnimationState                = MOVING
            StateName                = STATE_running
            Animation                = GUAragorn_RUNB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_RUNB
                AnimationMode        = LOOP

        AnimationState                = LEVELED    ; This state clears itself in 3 seconds
            Animation                = LevelUp
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKO
                AnimationMode        = ONCE

        AnimationState                = SPECIAL_POWER_1                            ; Aragorn shouting Elendil anim
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = GUAragorn_ATKL
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKL
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
            ParticleSysBone            = B_SWORDBONE ElendilFlare FollowBone:yes
            ParticleSysBone            = B_SWORDBONE ElendilSwordFlare FollowBone:yes
;            FXEvent    = Name: FX_ElendilGlowEvent
        AnimationState                = USER_2
            StateName                = ATHELAS
            Animation                = ATKP
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
        AnimationState                = USER_1
            StateName                = OATH_BREAKERS
            Animation                = ATKN
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
    ; --------- Click and Hit Reactions ------------

        AnimationState                = HIT_REACTION HIT_LEVEL_3
            StateName                = STATE_bored
            Animation                = Hit_Level_1_b
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_HITB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
    ;----Emotion Animations

        AnimationState                = EMOTION_CELEBRATING
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = CHRB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 1
            Flags                    = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE                
        AnimationState                = EMOTION_TAUNTING
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = CHRB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 1
            Flags                    = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE                
        AnimationState                = EMOTION_ALERT
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = IDLA
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 1

        AnimationState                = EMOTION_MORALE_HIGH
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = ATKN
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKN
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 1
            Animation                = ATKP
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 15
            Animation                = TNTC
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 30
            Animation                = TNTD
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                AnimationPriority    = 30
            Flags                    = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE                
        AnimationState                = ENGAGED
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = IDLA
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
                UseWeaponTiming        = Yes
                AnimationPriority    = 1
            Flags                    =    RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE

        AnimationState                = RAISING_FLAG
            StateName                = STATE_ready
            Animation                = CHRB
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB
                AnimationMode        = LOOP

        AnimationState                = SELECTED
            StateName                = STATE_attention
            Animation                = ATNE
                AnimationName        = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATNE
                AnimationMode        = LOOP
                AnimationBlendTime    = 5
                AnimationMustCompleteBlend = yes
                Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState()
                if Prev == "STATE_bored" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_boredToAttention") end

Ok, Once this is in your new ini you now need the design parameters. what faction is your hero for Mordor,Isengard,Men,elves,Goblins,Dwarves? once you now go to one of there hero.ini and copy and paste there design parameters after what you did above. Lets say i want my new hero too be for Elves and i want its voice to be elronds then I would go to Elrond.ini and copy the design parameters and paste them in my newhero.ini.

Elronds Design Parameters & Others:


; ***DESIGN parameters ***
    Side = Elves
    EditorSorting = UNIT
    ThreatLevel = ELROND_THREAT
    ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT
    BuildCost = 2000
    BuildTime = 30

    Conditions = None
    Weapon = PRIMARY NewHeroSword

        Conditions = None
        Armor = ToughHeroArmor ; ;HeroArmor
        DamageFX = NormalDamageFX
    ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_HERO    
    MaxVisionBonusPercent = 300%
    VisionBonusTestRadius = 200
    VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 1.0%
    RecruitText                     = CONTROLBAR:NewHeroRecruit
    ReviveText                    = CONTROLBAR:NewHeroRevive
    Hotkey        = CONTROLBAR:NewHeroHotkey
    DisplayName = OBJECT:NewHero
    CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles

    CommandSet = NewHeroCommandSet
    CommandPoints = 100

    ; *** AUTO RESOLVE DATA ***
    AutoResolveUnitType = AutoResolveUnit_Hero
    AutoResolveCombatChain = AutoResolve_HeroCombatChain

    AutoResolveBody = AutoResolve_ElrondBody
        Armor = AutoResolve_ElrondArmor

        Weapon = AutoResolve_ElrondWeapon
    AutoResolveLeadership = AutoResolve_ElrondBonus

    ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***;

    VoiceAttack                                    = ElrondVoiceAttack
    VoiceAttackCharge                            = ElrondVoiceAttackCharge
    VoiceAttackMachine                            = ElrondVoiceAttack
    VoiceAttackStructure                        = ElrondVoiceAttackBuilding
    VoiceFear                                     = ElrondVoiceHelpMe
    VoiceGuard                                    = ElrondVoiceMove
    VoiceMove                                    = ElrondVoiceMove
    VoiceMoveToCamp                                = ElrondVoiceMoveCamp
    VoiceMoveWhileAttacking                        = ElrondVoiceDisengage
    VoicePriority                                = 78
    VoiceRetreatToCastle                         = ElrondVoiceRetreat
    VoiceSelect                                    = ElrondVoiceSelectMS
    VoiceSelectBattle                             = ElrondVoiceSelectBattle

    SoundImpact                                    = ImpactHorse

        VoiceEnterUnitElvenTransportShip        = ElrondVoiceMoveShip
        VoiceGarrison                            = ElrondVoiceMoveGarrison
        VoiceInitiateCaptureBuilding            = ElrondVoiceCaptureBuilding    ; From SpecialPower SpecialAbilityCaptureBuilding

    CrowdResponseKey = ElfHero

#include "..\..\..\includes\"
    EvaEventDieOwner            = ElrondDie        ;Eva event to trigger on unit's death. NOTICE THAT this is only for permanent deaths

    ; Tie into LargeGroupAudio system
    Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU
        Key = Humanoid_Male Elf_Male Unit Infantry Hero                ;Human
        ;UnitWeight = 2
    ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
    RadarPriority = UNIT
    PathfindDiameter = 40.0
    CamouflageDetectionMultiplier = CAMOUFLAGE_DETECTION_DISTANCE_MEDIUM
    BuildCost = ELROND_BUILDCOST                
    BuildTime = ELROND_BUILDTIME                
    ;//DisplayMeleeDamage = ELROND_DAMAGE
    Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody
        CheerRadius                 = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
        MaxHealth             = ELROND_HEALTH ; balance
        PermanentlyKilledByFilter    = NONE
        DodgePercent             = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT
    Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate
        DeathAnim                    = DYING
        DeathFX                        = FX_ElrondDieToRespawn
        DeathAnimationTime            = 4000
        InitialSpawnFX                = FX_ElrondInitialSpawn
        RespawnAnim                    = LEVELED
        RespawnFX                    = FX_ElrondRespawn
        RespawnAnimationTime        = 2000
        AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter    = NONE +CASTLE_KEEP
        ButtonImage                    = HIElrond_res
        ;RespawnEntries determine the ruleset for how a character can be revived. Some units may automatically respawn, others
        ;may require a specific revive action performed on him. You can specify different values for each level... or use Level:Any
        RespawnRules =    AutoSpawn:No        Cost:1500        Time:60000        Health:100%        ;DEFAULT VALUES
        RespawnEntry =    Level:2                Cost:1500        Time:60000                        ; ;50% cost, 1x buildtime ;For other levels, only override what is different.
        RespawnEntry =    Level:3                Cost:1500        Time:60000
        RespawnEntry =    Level:4                Cost:1500        Time:60000
        RespawnEntry =    Level:5                Cost:1950        Time:120000                        ; ;65% cost, 2x buildtime
        RespawnEntry =    Level:6                Cost:1950        Time:120000
        RespawnEntry =    Level:7                Cost:1950        Time:120000
        RespawnEntry =    Level:8                Cost:2400        Time:180000                     ; ;80% cost, 3x buildtime
        RespawnEntry =    Level:9                Cost:2400        Time:180000
        RespawnEntry =    Level:10            Cost:2400        Time:180000

    #include "..\..\..\includes\"
    Behavior = StancesBehavior ModuleTag_StancesBehavior
StanceTemplate = Hero

Notice there are also the Audio parameters and Engineering parameters and there is the Auto Resolve data. all of this sticks together. Fill in the spots where it says NewHero. The BuildCost and BuildTime can be changed and so can the CommandPoints.

Once you fill this out find a power you want in another heroes ini and paste it under all the new stuff you put in your ini. For Me I am going to put in BladeMaster. So i find blademaster in aragorn.ini looks like this:


Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterEnabler
        SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AragornBladeMaster

    Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterStarter ; SpecialAbility is a SpecialPower, SpecialPower is anyting special
        SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
        StartsPaused            = Yes

    Behavior = HeroModeSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterUpdate ; So the difference in SpecialAbility is that it takes timing from this Update, instead of simply firing.
        SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
        HeroAttributeModifier    = AragornBladeMaster
        HeroEffectDuration        = 30000 ; this should sync with the auto ability delay re-fire time in commandButtons.ini
        UnpackTime = 1 ; insant unpack
        TriggerSound            = AragornBladeMaster

Now Go to the top of your new ini and under:


            Model = GUAragorn_SKN


ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
            ParticleSysBone = BAT_RIBS BladeMaster FollowBone:Yes

Then go to WeaponSet and copy and paste the old weaponset and instead of Conditions being None make it WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE and make the weapon YourHeroSwordSuper.

WeaponSet Should look like this:


        Conditions        = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
        Weapon            = PRIMARY YourHeroSwordSuper

Fill in where it says NewHero
Thats all for the power.

Now add this at the very end:


Geometry = CYLINDER
    GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0
    GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0
    GeometryHeight = 19.2
    GeometryIsSmall = Yes
    Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL
    ShadowSizeX = 20;
    ShadowSizeY = 20;
    ShadowTexture = ShadowI;

Thats all for Your Hero.ini now go to weapon.ini and look up Aragorn
and find his Sword Weapon. Once Found Copy and past it and rename it NewHeroSword
copy and paste it again and name it NewHeroSwordSuper

All Together should look like this:

Weapon NewHeroSword
LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
MeleeWeapon = Yes

DelayBetweenShots = ARAGORN_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS         ; time between shots, msec
PreAttackDelay = ARAGORN_PREATTACKDELAY             ; 400 is sword swing delay time before contact with target.
PreAttackType = PER_SHOT                        ; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
FireFX = FX_GondorSwordHit
;FireFX = FX_IsildurSword
FiringDuration = ARAGORN_FIRINGDURATION             ; Duration of the sword swing
RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS ; ;

DamageNugget                                                ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
DamageScalar = 50000% NONE +RohanOathbreaker
Radius = 2.0 ; ;
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL
; ;
DamageNugget                                                ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
DamageScalar = 50000% NONE +RohanOathbreaker
Radius = 10.0 ; ;
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL


Weapon NewHeroSwordSuper
LeechRangeWeapon = Yes
MeleeWeapon = Yes

DelayBetweenShots = ARAGORN_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS         ; time between shots, msec
PreAttackDelay = ARAGORN_PREATTACKDELAY             ; 400 is sword swing delay time before contact with target.
PreAttackType = PER_SHOT                        ; Do the delay each time we attack a new target
FireFX = FX_GondorSwordHit
;FireFX = FX_IsildurSword
FiringDuration = ARAGORN_FIRINGDURATION             ; Duration of the sword swing
RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS ; ;

DamageNugget                                                ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
DamageScalar = 50000% NONE +RohanOathbreaker
Radius = 2.0 ; ;
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL
; ;
DamageNugget                                                ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
DamageScalar = 50000% NONE +RohanOathbreaker
Radius = 10.0 ; ;
Radius = 0.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = HERO
DeathType = NORMAL


Now on NewHeroSwordSuper Make the Damage = 500
fill in where it says NewHero
Now save and exit weapon.ini

Now open up your lotr.str and copy and paste and then fill in where it says NewHero.

Fill In:


"Recruit NewHero To Fight For Middle-Earth"

"Revive NewHero"


Now Go to experience levels and find aragorn experience levels and where it says Target names after GondorAragorn put Your Heros name after all the target names. then go to commandset.ini and find aragorncommandset and copy and paste it and take out all the other commands so it looks like this:


CommandSet NewHeroCommandSet
    1    = Command_ToggleStance
    2    = Command_SpecialAbilityBladeMaster

    12     = Command_CaptureBuilding
    13     = Command_AttackMove
    14     = Command_Stop

Fill in NewHero.

Now go PlayerTemplate.ini and find your heroes faction and and find BuildableHeroesMP and at the end put your heroes name. Shoud then look like this (Mine is for Elves so i put it at the end of the Elvens BuildableHeroesMP.)

BuildableHeroesMP            = CreateAHero ElvenArwen ElvenHaldir ElvenGlorfindel ElvenLegolas ElvenThranduil ElvenElrond NewHero

Now Go To Game And Check out your hero!

Links / Downloads

Clanks Ultimate Beginner Tutorial1806January 23, 2011 - 19:39


Display order: Newest first

wesleypicard - Monday July 23, 2018 - 2:15

rate it a 10 but i am confused on one thing on page 3 where you explain how to increase horde size. i understand part of it. do i have to change the initial payload as well or leave that alone? and what about the rohirram? do you do the same with them as with the elven warriors?


elric thanks so much for this tutorial i am finally able to increase horde sizes thanks to this.

Radspakr Wolfbane (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 6:10

In the FX ParticleSystems Shader refers to the type of Shader used these can be Alpha which reads the Alpha channel,Additive which reads Black as transparency and of course you can choose not to have them.

Zues - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 15:07

Pretty Clear could use a little improvmennt

Elric - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 9:53

@newbkiller: what do you mean choice 2. i need a page number to help you?

newbkiller.williams - Saturday August 6, 2011 - 4:26

could you explain choice number 2 aswell please , because i dont know how to put a new models/textures into the game

Poseidon - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:43

I really think that this article follows up clanks in quite a few ways. I can't wait until this whole article is finished! This will be very helpful to me in some map.ini coding and maybe modding once i think i am ready for it...

Elric - Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 16:23

Please Comment and Rate. I would release this whole tutorial in one go but i wanted to release half first and then half later. Just in case I never finished it so at least people will have 1 half of it...

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