The 3rd Age

Master Hero Mod 2.1.9

Master Hero Mod 2.1.9

Enhances Visuals, provide series of modifications and additions to the game play,Support Multiplayer

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List of W3D Objects

Avatar of Unknown


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 8:41
Updated: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 14:44
Views: 5431
Summary: Here is a list of the useful W3D objects that you can use to help make new things


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List of W3D Objects

Use this list to make new structures, heroes, units, props and much more :p
You can also use this to find your way to units or structures that you can't find ;)
This is not a tutorial but a resource... no credit is required for anything as everything I included belongs to EA.

Note: This is originally for BfME2 but should be the same for BfME1...
This does not include the RotWK files.

Table of contents:
Page 1: Contents
Page 2: Factions
Page 3: Units
Page 4: Props & Other
Page 5: FX's

Incase you don't know how the folder system works, EA take the first 2 letters of the model/texture name and put it into that folder.
-> guaragorn_skn = gu
-> rutheoden_skn = ru
-> aicamp_skn = ai

-> {model}(other possible models) (description) [any other notes].
-> {model}(01-10) this means that there are all models just add the number to the end or wherever it tells you to.
-> {model}(2-5) this means that you can add the numbers to the end but the original model is just the {model} name.
-> {model}(a/b/c/d) this means that you add the letter to the end.
-> {model}(a/c/u)_skn this means you must still add _skn to the end.
-> {model}(....) this means that there are many models and I don't want to write each one down, so look in the W3D.ini and see what there is.
-> some models may have c, p, u and m in the name, these mean:
--> c = creation
--> u = ingame
--> m = mounted
--> p = props

Thank you and enjoy the article :)

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