Magic Staff (Isengard-Saruman) ![]() Modified weapon.ini to improve the look and feel of Saruman's standard attack. |
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Rohan: -> rbgeneric(a/b/c/d/e) (can be used for ROhan structures or map props) Elves: -> cbelven(....) (can be used for new elven structures or once again, props for maps) -> cbharruin (01-20) (can be used for new elven structures or just props) -> ebgeneric(a/b/c/d/e) (can be used for different buildings or just props for maps) -> lbtree(1-5) (Lothlorien trees) -> lbtreehouse(....) (Lothlorien tree houses) -> lustatue(1-2) (Lothlorien statues Dwarves: -> bb_arch (an archway for a gate or walls) -> bb_column (same ones from Moria, used for columns as structural decoration) -> bb_tower(01/02/03) (the towers you see in Erebor) -> dbfgcap (some sort of dwarf tower) -> dbundrmine (the undermine summon) Dale: -> cbdale(01-08) (can be used for Dale structures or map props) -> db_houses_(01-08) (more dale structures) -> db_fountain (Dale fountain) Hobbits: -> cbhobbitbldg (01-02) (can be used for a hobbit house or just map props) [note: this model doesn't need a hill] -> Check the sb section for a new hobbit faction or props Isengard: -> ibfbforg(....) (new working stations) -> sarumanstatue01 (Saruman statue) Dunland: -> wbhouse(2) (Dunland houses) Mordor: -> dolglstatue (Sauron statue) -> mbmmmstatue1 (fiend statue) Dol Guldor: -> cbdolgul(....) (can be used for Mordor structures, a new Dol Guldor faction or just map props) -> dolgul(....) (same as above) Haradrim: -> cbharad(....) (can be used for a new harad faction, new Mordor structures or just map props) [note: some of the models have weapons which can be used] Rhun: -> esb(....) (can be used for a new easterling faction, new Mordor structures or just map props) Umbar: -> cbumbarhouse (01-02) (can be used for a new Umbar faction, new Mordor structures of just map props) Other: -> cbtombbombh (can be used if you really like Tom Bombadil :D) [another one is called cttombbomb] -> lbhouses_(01-14) (random buildings) -> towerhill_(a/b/c) (random towers) -> gbamonhen(....) (all the props and structures from the map Amon Hen) |
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