The 3rd Age

BFME Nostalgia Mod

BFME Nostalgia Mod

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List of W3D Objects

Avatar of Unknown


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 8:41
Updated: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 14:44
Views: 5431
Summary: Here is a list of the useful W3D objects that you can use to help make new things


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-> If you check in the cu section, there are lots of animals and other random stuff there

-> nuhorse(1-4)_skn (different horses)

-> duporter_skn (just change the person and a new porter is done)

-> eudwarfmin_skn (dwarf miner)

-> aubomcat (can be used for a catapult object)

Weapons, shields and armour:
-> ch_dwarf_axe01 (can be used as an axe for the dwarves)
-> ch_shield_sm (can be used as a shield)
-> ch_shield01 (can be used as a shield)
-> ch_staff (01-04) (can be used for new wizards and such)
-> ch_troll_(cane/hmr/mace/sword/tree) (can be used variously for almost any unit) [cane/hammer/mace/sword/tree]
-> ch_wizardsword (new sword which is never actually used)
-> chcm_swd_(01-02) (easterling sword/spear)
-> chss_uk_c_swrd(01-03) (uruk weapons)
-> char_ar_u_skn (the male elven CaH, filled with weapons and armour) [I found another 2: char_el_(c/u)_skn]
-> char_fe_c_skn (the female elven CaH) [same as above]
-> char_fe_u_skn (the female elven CaH, possibly different) [same as above]
-> chcm_cm_u_skn(1-2) (the corrupted CaH) [skn1 seems more reliable than skn2]
-> chcm_fu_(u/c)_skn (corrupted man, seems to be the same as the above)
-> chdw_dw_u_skn (CaH dwarf)
-> chdw_sg_(c/f/u)_skn (CaH dwarf sage)
-> chdw_tm_(c/u)_skn (CaH dwarf taskmaster)
-> chhw_cg_u_skn (CaH captain of gondor)
-> chhow_s2_u_skn (some random girl, not CaH)
-> chhw_sm_c_skn (CaH shield maiden)
-> chhw_sm_m_skn (CaH shield maiden... again)
-> chhw_sm_u_skn (CaH shield maiden....... AGAIN!) [really, who does so many of one thing?]
-> chss_or_u_skn (CaH orc)
-> chss_tl_c_skn (CaH troll)
-> chss_tl_u_skn (CaH troll)
-> chss_uk_c_skn (CaH uruk)
-> chss_uk_u_skn (CaH uruk)
-> chwz_av_u_skn (CaH wizard)
-> g_arrow(2-3) (arrows)
-> w_arrow (arrow)

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