The 3rd Age

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The Four Ages mod

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List of W3D Objects

Avatar of Unknown


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 8:41
Updated: Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 14:44
Views: 5431
Summary: Here is a list of the useful W3D objects that you can use to help make new things


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-> Check the ex section, it has a lot of random stuff such as stools, barrels, water effects and more

-> Check the gp section, it has weapon racks, statues, monuments, lamps, flags and more

-> Chech the mp section, it has benches, chests, weapons and more

-> Check the nb section, it has all of the creep structures

-> Check out p_ section, it has lots of random stuff

-> Check out pb section, it has woodcarts, barricades and more

-> Check out pc section, it has swords, treasure, crates, carts and more

-> Check the pe section, it has tables, fences, treasure, carts and more

-> Check the pl section, it has log stacks

-> Check the pm section, it has lots, rocks, clothes, racks, barrels, boxes, weapons and more

-> Check the ps section, it has shrubberies, statues and supplies

Wells & fountains:
-> bb_well (the well from Balin's tomb, can be edited for a good use)

-> eb_ladder (a ladder)

Torches and fire:
-> bb_torch (can be used for structural decoration)

Barrels, Bags, Boxes:
-> barrels&boxes(2) (can be used for decorations of a structure or map decorations)
-> aicamp_skn (can be used for new flags or just use the barrels and boxes)
-> bbbags (same as the others)
-> boxes (same as the others)
-> capflag (the flag used for the Inn, Beacon, Shipwrights and Outposts)
-> daleprops(1-4) (more boxes, bags, etc.)
-> ipsupplies(01-05) (even more boxes, bags and stuff)
-> purn(01-02) (urns)

-> iuscaff(01-17) (scaffolds)
-> eb_wheel(2) (used for scaffolding effects)

-> fptree01(d2) (tree fangorn)
-> fptree02(d2) (tree fangorn)
-> ptree(....) (lots of tree varaitions
-> ptreedeath03 (this one is so creative IMO)
-> ptstump(....) (tree stumps)

Rocks and Boulders:
-> Check the pr sections
-> slrockcolumn(01-10) (rock columns)

-> gbtent (ranger tent)
-> ibtent(2) (orc tents)
-> mugenhartnt (orc tent)
-> muorctent(....) (orc tents)
-> ptent (small orc tent)
-> rbtent(01-02) (Dunharrow tents)
-> wbgobtent(....) (Goblin tents)

-> b_banner (can be used for a hanging banner for structural decoration)
-> banner_arag01 (used for banner/flag decorations)
-> mu_banr_w (Mordor banner)
-> ru_banr_a (Rohan banner)

-> bb_rubble(2) (not much I can think of with this one)
-> cah_skull (can be used for a new unit head or just a decoration)
-> fence (exactly what it says)
-> mbfencew (woody spiked fence)
-> gb_debris(01-02) (broken structure parts)
-> mypiledebris(1-3) (broken structure parts, bones and armour)
-> poptpfbdebris(01-10) (dead people)
-> mmd3gatea (moria 3 passages, this was never used)
-> mucauldron (caldroun)
-> muorcbase (orc camp with tents and other stuff)
-> ruporter_skn(l/m) (3 different porters with lots of goodies inside)
-> wbgobdrum (Goblin drum)
-> tables (tables)
-> cbdock(....) (can used be for harbours, docks or map props)

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