The 3rd Age

Fin's LOTR Expansion

Fin's LOTR Expansion

A mod that adds Rohan to the game, and strives to bring back some BFME I fun!

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Ultimate beginner's guide. New hero, many topics

Avatar of malvack


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday March 5, 2016 - 6:37
Updated: Tuesday October 11, 2016 - 6:19
Views: 17533
Summary: Guide to make new hero based on CaH and many other topics


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For the time being, I will leave my hero as it is, with only 3 powers (just for now). I will go back and give him more powers later, but for now I'll leave it like that. Now I want to focus on the strings of the game and the voice, so your hero stops feeling like Boromir.

So first things first, we will create 4 new strings (the ones of the hero) and then other 3 (the ones of his/her powers). First we need to have yourhero.ini open as well as lotr.str, in the latter you'll find all the strings of the game, to create a new one you can just look at the structure of them and know how to do it (it's pretty self-explanatory). Just for the sake of the tutorial, I'll show you the new entrances I did in my lotr.str



"Recruit the soldier that stays cool" ;Because it's from Angmar, you get it? eh! Eh! My God, I am lonely

"Revive the fallen Hero, Malvack"


So those are the basic strings we will use. When you have a string which type is OBJECT, this means that whenever you hover your mouse over your hero, it will display some info. It also helps to let the game to know which one was your favorite unit and things like that. As for the Hotkey you won't see the "&" character ever in the game, it is just, well, an indication of which hotkey will be used to refer to your hero. The function of the other 2 are obvious.

Now you'll see that yourhero.ini file has the variables that work with the strings, just replace the variables of Boromir with the ones you just created. Like this:


    DisplayName = OBJECT:AngmarMalvack
    RecruitText = CONTROLBAR:AngmarMalvackRecruit    ;;;;;;;;;;;; Anyone who gets revived should get these
    ReviveText    = CONTROLBAR:AngmarMalvackRevive    ;;
    Hotkey        = CONTROLBAR:AngmarMalvackHotkey    ;;            If not, it won't look too bad.

Now, for the commandbuttons is exactly the same thing, just go to the the buttons of your powers (i.e. shake foundation, cripple strike, and darkness) and change the strings of the name and the description if you want, so that it states that "Require Level 8" or something like that.


While you are figuring out which level you want your hero to unlock certain power, in order to code that, you only have to go to the power you want to restrict and change the name of the upgrade. For instance, in the shake foundation power code (you know, this one)


    ;;;; SHAKE FOUNDATION SPECIAL ABILITY ;;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
    Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ShakeFoundationEnabler
        SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDwarvenGloinShakeFoundation
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ObjectLevel1

If you want your hero to learn this ability at level 4 just change the upgrade to level 4 (like you wrote it in the experiencelevel.ini. So it would look like this:


    ;;;; SHAKE FOUNDATION SPECIAL ABILITY ;;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
    Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ShakeFoundationEnabler
        SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDwarvenGloinShakeFoundation
        TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ObjectLevel4 ; <--- Now is at level 4

Remember you can do this with all the levels from 1-10

Links / Downloads

WinXPSoundRecorder1582March 6, 2016 - 6:03
FinalBigEditor1855March 5, 2016 - 7:29


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Amonrath - Monday August 14, 2017 - 2:16

Hello! I'm trying to do the but in the bfme I. Is there any different steps? I created a folder with my own mod... I then just edit the values that I want and I save them... I have also added the -mod in the end of the "Path" as well as done the extraction. Could anyone help? Thanks =D


Hello! I'm trying to do the but in the bfme I. Is there any different steps? I created a folder with my own mod... I then just edit the values that I want and I save them... I have also added the -mod in the end of the "Path" as well as done the extraction. Could anyone help? Thanks =D

BouncyKnight - Tuesday April 25, 2017 - 22:08

Amazing step-by-step, very detailed and explanatory tutorial on how to create your custom heroes! Thank you sir, you're great!

Gabriel Oak - Tuesday December 13, 2016 - 11:19

I created this account only to thank you, sir. This tutorial is really, really useful.

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