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Ultimate beginner's guide. New hero, many topics

Avatar of malvack


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday March 5, 2016 - 6:37
Updated: Tuesday October 11, 2016 - 6:19
Views: 17533
Summary: Guide to make new hero based on CaH and many other topics


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Now your hero is almost is his/her own thing, just that still sounds like Boromir. In what's next of the tutorial I'll assume that, in the respawnupdate module you chose to use the CaH effects, if you created new ones, everything here applies the same except that you'll have to change the audio of the effect too.

Here I will explain how to use the same audio as the CaH heroes, in the next chapter however, we will create new audio. 0k. So let's go on. If you go to data>ini>object>createahero> you'll find the audio for all the CaH heroes. Notice that there audio commands are inside a function that basically asignates the audio after an upgrade (i.e. if you chose the Olog-Hai sub-type, your hero would sound like a troll) so we don't want that, we are only looking for the audio commands assignation. So, after finding the audio commmands you want your hero to have, you are going to copy from the first variable assignation (VoiceAttack) til the End of UnitSpecificSounds; in other words, you want to copy this:


            VoiceAttack                             = HeroWestMaleVoiceAttack
            VoiceAttackAir                            = HeroWestMaleVoiceAttack
            VoiceAttackCharge                         = HeroWestMaleVoiceAttackCharge
            VoiceAttackMachine                         = HeroWestMaleVoiceAttack
            VoiceAttackStructure                     = HeroWestMaleVoiceAttackBuilding
            VoiceCreated                            = HeroWestMaleVoiceSalute
            VoiceFear                                = HeroWestMaleVoiceHelpMe
            VoiceFullyCreated                        = HeroWestMaleVoiceSalute
            VoiceGuard                                = HeroWestMaleVoiceMove
            VoiceMove                                 = HeroWestMaleVoiceMove
            VoiceMoveToCamp                         = HeroWestMaleVoiceMoveCamp
            VoiceMoveWhileAttacking                 = HeroWestMaleVoiceDisengage
            VoicePriority                            = 95
            VoiceRetreatToCastle                     = HeroWestMaleVoiceRetreat
            VoiceSelect                             = HeroWestMaleVoiceSelectMS
            VoiceSelectBattle                         = HeroWestMaleVoiceSelectBattle
            SoundImpact                                = ImpactHorse
                VoiceEnterUnitElvenTransportShip    = HeroWestMaleVoiceMoveShip
                VoiceEnterUnitMordorMumakil            = HeroWestMaleVoiceMove
                VoiceEnterUnitSlaughterHouse        = HeroWestMaleVoiceMove
                VoiceEnterUnitTransportShip            = HeroWestMaleVoiceMove
                VoiceGarrison                        = HeroWestMaleVoiceMoveGarrison
                VoiceInitiateCaptureBuilding        = HeroWestMaleVoiceCaptureBuilding

And you are going back to yourhero.ini and delete all the voices of Boromir and paste the voices of CaH.

And that's it, now we move on to the new sound effects!

Links / Downloads

WinXPSoundRecorder1582March 6, 2016 - 6:03
FinalBigEditor1855March 5, 2016 - 7:29


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Amonrath - Monday August 14, 2017 - 2:16

Hello! I'm trying to do the but in the bfme I. Is there any different steps? I created a folder with my own mod... I then just edit the values that I want and I save them... I have also added the -mod in the end of the "Path" as well as done the extraction. Could anyone help? Thanks =D


Hello! I'm trying to do the but in the bfme I. Is there any different steps? I created a folder with my own mod... I then just edit the values that I want and I save them... I have also added the -mod in the end of the "Path" as well as done the extraction. Could anyone help? Thanks =D

BouncyKnight - Tuesday April 25, 2017 - 22:08

Amazing step-by-step, very detailed and explanatory tutorial on how to create your custom heroes! Thank you sir, you're great!

Gabriel Oak - Tuesday December 13, 2016 - 11:19

I created this account only to thank you, sir. This tutorial is really, really useful.

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