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Ridder Geel
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Created: |
Saturday February 9, 2008 - 8:20 |
Updated: |
Thursday December 15, 2011 - 14:27 |
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19027 |
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About Weapons, Weapon 'Leveling' and how to make a 'MorgulBlade' weapon effect. |
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Leveling Spear Changing colors
This Part of my tutorial will show you how to make your spear Change colors as your hero levels up!
This tutorial will refer to parts of the tutorial from the previous page.
You should have done the things on the previous page if you want to be able to do this correctly.
INI's Needed:
-Goodfactionsubobjects.ini *or Evilfactionsubobjects.ini, depends on which side your hero is!
Texture Needed:
- exspearglow.tga
Here is the part of the weapon JackSpear that we will be working on:
Code |
ProjectileNugget ; A Nugget that creates an Object and sends it to the target with a Warhead
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL1
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL2 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 2
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL2
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL2
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 3
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL3
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 4
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL4
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
Notice that the ProjectileTemplateName is RohanEomerSpearProjectile, this is the object Jack throws!
Lets have Jack throw a special color spear as soon as he reaches LVL 4:
Code |
ProjectileNugget ; A Nugget that creates an Object and sends it to the target with a Warhead
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL1
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL2 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 2
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL2
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL2
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3 Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 3
ProjectileTemplateName = RohanEomerSpearProjectile
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL3
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL3
ForbiddenUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
ProjectileNugget ; LVL 4
ProjectileTemplateName = JackSpearLVL4Projectile ;<-Special Spear Color for lvl 4
WarheadTemplateName = JackSpearWarheadLVL4
RequiredUpgradeNames = Upgrade_JackSpearLVL4
Notice I changed the ProjectileTemplateName to JackSpearLVL4Projectile.
Now we will move on to changing the looks of that spear...
Now we will add this code to the bottom of this ini:
Code |
Object JackSpearLVL4Projectile
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01 ;ModuleTag_Draw
Model = RUEomer_SPER
ParticleSysBone NONE JackSpearLVL4ContrailThin ;<-ParticleSystem used
ParticleSysBone NONE JackSpearLVL4FlameTrail ;<-ParticleSystem used
Texture = exspearglow.tga JackSpearLVL4exspearglow.tga ;<- The TGA File that you are using
; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
; ***DESIGN parameters ***
EditorSorting = SYSTEM
Armor = NoArmor
VisionRange = 0.0
; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
MaxHealth = 10.0
Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_03
Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_04
; To tweak a Bezier path
FirstHeight = 9 ; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain
SecondHeight = 9
FirstPercentIndent = 20% ; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed
SecondPercentIndent = 90%
FlightPathAdjustDistPerSecond = 50
; Can allow a max speed this can attempt to follow a target. Units are their velocity we can tag. (45 is default human speed)
DetonateCallsKill = Yes
CurveFlattenMinDist = 100.0
Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_06
DeathTypes = ALL
Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07
DeathFX = FX_SmiteHit
Geometry = Sphere
GeometryIsSmall = Yes
GeometryMajorRadius = 0.8
Now a little bit of grafical stuff, In Textures1.BIG find the file exspearglow.tga and extract it.
Rename the file to JackSpearLVL4exspearglow.tga.
Open Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, or any other good image editing software...
Choose a color to make your spear,
For this tutorial I'll make the spear red.
Colorize it with the options:
Hue: 0 Saturation: 153
Now save it...
Notice I have put 3 notes up there in the codebox:
The first 2 are Particlesystems, which will come later on.
The 3rd is the name of the TGA file you have just changed!
This is the code you need to add at the bottom of the file:
Code |
;Look at these 2 systems to see changes made!
;FXParticleSystem SpearContrailThin
;FXParticleSystem SpearFlameTrail
;---------Jack Spear FX---------
FXParticleSystem JackSpearLVL4FlameTrail
ParticleName = EXspearhead.tga
Lifetime = 50 50
SortLevel = 1
Size = 40 40
BurstCount = 2 2
IsGroundAligned = Yes
IsParticleUpTowardsEmitter = Yes
Color = DefaultColor
Color1 = R:90 G:20 B:20 0
Color2 = R:0 G:0 B:0 50
Alpha = DefaultAlpha
Update = DefaultUpdate
SizeRateDamping = 0.8 0.9
AngleZ = -2 2
AngularDamping = 1 1
AngularDampingXY = 1 1
Physics = DefaultPhysics
VelocityDamping = 1 1
EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity
EmissionVolume = PointEmissionVolume
Draw = DefaultDraw
FXParticleSystem JackSpearLVL4ContrailThin
ParticleName = EXContrail.tga
Lifetime = 7 7
SortLevel = 1
Size = 1 2
BurstCount = 1 1
InitialDelay = 1 1
Color = DefaultColor
Color1 = R:90 G:20 B:20 0
Color2 = R:0 G:0 B:0 7
Color4 = R:32 G:32 B:32 0
Alpha = DefaultAlpha
Update = DefaultUpdate
SizeRate = -0.3 -0.3
SizeRateDamping = 0.85 0.9
AngularDamping = 1 1
AngularDampingXY = 1 1
Physics = DefaultPhysics
VelocityDamping = 0.93 0.94
EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity
EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume
StartPoint = X:7 Y:0 Z:0
EndPoint = X:8 Y:0 Z:0
Draw = StreakDraw
What I have changed in these 2 systems is the 'DefaultColor's:
Color1 = R:90 G:20 B:20 0
This is the same kind of color we gave our JackSpearLVL4exspearglow.tga.
Now the spear Jack throws at LVL 4 is a reddish color.
Once again a tip: If you want to look at the differences between the spear's coding you should look at the RohanEomerSpearProjectile in the Goodfactionsubobjects.ini
Play around with the color values to make cool looking spear, and good luck.
I hope this tutorial has helped you understand the weapons and thrown projectiles in BFME better! Links / DownloadsCommentsDisplay order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2 Sauron-the-Deciever - Thursday December 1, 2011 - 3:10 Flank bonus means the bonus for attacking units from behind modboy451 - Friday November 12, 2010 - 10:34 Excellent Article!
Thanks, Im using different forms of morgul blades now (that give me different thing)
i was wanting to know how to put poison and flame onto my heros weapons too, thanks! Ridder Geel (Staff) - Saturday July 4, 2009 - 11:56 In weapon.ini....
change this line:
to a different value...
Next time ask this in the forums. elvenlord95 - Thursday July 2, 2009 - 8:19 can i make a hero's weapon(for example glorfindels) making more damage?
"the sky has fallen" Ridder Geel (Staff) - Thursday April 30, 2009 - 7:23 1. Good idea ;)
2. Reformat, will do that later.
3. I didn't click on it alot. I usually do check the tutorial for replies or comments and such once every day, and i think that maybe because of this tutorials subject some people open the tutorial more than once to check out some things about some nuggets and such. I sometimes even go here to check some of the nuggets ;)
Behavior? do you mean all the things from in the "Engineering" part of the "Unit" or "Structure"? If thats the case then I will consider making that later. Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:33 1. How about you list any changes on page 1?
2. Don't you think a reformat would help reading? (like removal of empty space, etc.)
3. How long did it take you to click on the tutorial so it would appear in the top ten popular section? ;-)
Can you answer those questions? I might give it a 4 instead of 3. :)
Otherwise, this is just what is needed, a very thankful job indeed.
Now a comprehensive listing of 'Behavior'-modules with a listing of all toggles would be nice indeed ... in an additional tutorial. Masterbadeend - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:05 I think Flanking Bonus is this: When the unit flanks (yellow lightning bolt) an another unit then he gets for example +50% extra damage to that other unit. Zarmoz - Tuesday March 10, 2009 - 2:44 You are the best of the best. good job!
I have made Aragorn have a Poisonous sword, Gandalf with Flame sword, Legolas with magic bow, Frodo with poisonous dagger and create a heros have flame if they're swordsman or poison if they're archer. ;) dethwaker3 - Monday October 27, 2008 - 21:36 I am definitely gonna use the get healed by attacking units!!!! Lurtzy - Tuesday June 10, 2008 - 14:11 Helped me get started a while ago, good tutorial!
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