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'MorgulBlade' effect This Tutorial will show you how to make your own MorgulBlade! In this tutorial 'myhero' will be Jack (once again) and he is going to use the MorgulBlade that makes a chest of gold appear when he kills a unit! NOTE If you are going to do this then I do expect you to know what you are going to do and that you have a fairly good understanding about coding. This tutorial will not teach you how to understand everything I'm doing here, but if you read other tutorials about the INI's that are listed down there then you should be able to have a basic idea about what im doing. One last thing, you should know how to add commandsets and buttons and experiencelevels since I wont be telling that. INI's Needed: -'Myhero'.ini *the hero you are editing -Upgrade.ini -Weapon.ini -Objectcreationlist.ini -'Myhero'.ini- Add this code to your hero's special power area:
Im going to explain what I changed from the original 'MorgulBlade' power: 1st TriggeredBy = Upgrade_JackChest Its the upgrade needed to do the power... 2nd SpecialWeapon = Jackschestofgold The Weapon he uses when doing the power... Moving On... -Upgrade.ini- Add this code at the bottom of upgrade.ini:
This is the upgrade you will need to add to the experiencelevels.INI yourself, and it will be used later! ~if you do not know how to do this then you did not read my note on the top of the page!~ -Weapon.ini- Add this code at the bottom of the file:
You might have seen the Note in the codebox, Its true the BECOME_UNDEAD might seem like a joke but I'm sure you'll understand: Become_undead just spawns a wight when the dude dies... so you could change the OCL so it drops a chest or another creature instead when it dies! I also removed the poison damagenugget from the code, you can just get it back from the original morgulblade weapon if you want... -Objectcreationlist.ini- Find this code:
And change it to:
Now Jack should get a chest of gold when he kills someone with his power! Note You still have to add the upgrade Upgrade_JackChest to the experiencelevels.ini and add the command Command_BlackRiderMorgulBlade to your hero's commandset With this code you should be able to make another unit appear after killing a unit with the power I have tested this myself and it worked, so it should work for you! I hope this tutorial helped you alot. Please put a comment if the power does not work, I tried it myself and it worked but who knows... Links / Downloads
CommentsDisplay order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2 Sauron-the-Deciever - Thursday December 1, 2011 - 3:10 Flank bonus means the bonus for attacking units from behind modboy451 - Friday November 12, 2010 - 10:34 Excellent Article! Ridder Geel (Staff) - Saturday July 4, 2009 - 11:56 In weapon.ini.... elvenlord95 - Thursday July 2, 2009 - 8:19 e...how can i make a hero's weapon(for example glorfindels) making more damage? Ridder Geel (Staff) - Thursday April 30, 2009 - 7:23 1. Good idea ;) Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:33 1. How about you list any changes on page 1? Masterbadeend - Wednesday April 29, 2009 - 1:05 I think Flanking Bonus is this: When the unit flanks (yellow lightning bolt) an another unit then he gets for example +50% extra damage to that other unit. Zarmoz - Tuesday March 10, 2009 - 2:44 You are the best of the best. good job! dethwaker3 - Monday October 27, 2008 - 21:36 I am definitely gonna use the get healed by attacking units!!!! Lurtzy - Tuesday June 10, 2008 - 14:11 Helped me get started a while ago, good tutorial! |
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