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Binding Human Models - The Ultimate Guide

Avatar of Rob38


Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Friday November 14, 2008 - 22:32
Updated: Sunday March 20, 2011 - 13:18
Views: 25047
Summary: Describes in-depth each step to bind a model correctly


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24. The cape is binded properly. Now we can turn our focus to the other accessories. Select the correct WWSkin (WWSkin03 in my instance) and click on the Bind to a spacewarp button. Link the accessory object to WWSkin03. Now click the Select and Move button. Select your object (EQUIP01). Hit the modify button. You should now see a bunch of blue dots on the model (refer to step 21 for clarification).

25. Now onto the manual binding part. Here's how I binded the accessories:

User image

26. For projectile weapons such as ARROWNOCK and FIREAROWTIP, a different method of binding is used. Check out this part of my Forged Blades and Arrow Settings tutorial for a complete explanation.

27. For FORGED_BLADES, you can simply bind it all to B_SWORDBONE.


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lordsan - Saturday November 19, 2011 - 0:14

Great tutorial!

ReallyFat - Wednesday October 12, 2011 - 8:13

no matter what the heck i do the model doesnt appear in w3d viewer. the one that came with the mod sdk

jedi7000nathan - Saturday March 5, 2011 - 22:07

i need a download for this

Modfan - Tuesday November 23, 2010 - 6:48

Hi,I'm new in modding,and I don't know how to make good model.Could smb explain me using the hobbit model,or I will be very happy if smb tell me were can I find it)

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday January 23, 2010 - 12:12

Renx can crash a lot, especially during binding. Make sure to save often and save with multiple files. Sometimes Renx will even corrupt a file, making it impossible to open. For the error (dependency loop), make sure you drag your mouse from the WWSkin to an actual part of the model. If you drag it to a bone, an error will result.

Isillme - Friday January 22, 2010 - 15:50

umm... i really need help, there´s a message that says "cannot bind could create dependency loop" sometimes my model looks weird some other no, then i try yo continue but there´s no option of the auto-link, so... i cannot move, and then i have not time because after that it just exit, i saved while i had that little time, i loaded and it cannot open file. is there a problem in my Renx? ori´ve done a bad step?
my steps:
1.- moddify the model
2.-link it and group it
3.-add the WWskin, add the bones
4.-(error)bind to spacewarp
5.- cannot procced
i really need help please indeed help me, i would appreciate it indeed...

drogoth232 - Monday August 31, 2009 - 18:30

I get confused at the self binding parts.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday August 1, 2009 - 14:01

Unfortunately no. You can use the auto-bind feature, but it's not very good or accurate. Manually binding the vertices is the only other option. It takes a while to get used to, but things will become quicker once you become more familiar with the process.

Rainwizard6 - Thursday July 30, 2009 - 21:40

Great tutorial cleared alot of things up for me. I tried modifying a weapon on one of the characters, I followed this tutorial as was able to technically bind it, however it wasn't done correctly and the guy was skewed. I will probabally have to do this manually and assign each to every bone. This just seems very complicated and time consuming and I dont want to screw it up. Are there any ways of speeding this up?

Valaquenta10 - Thursday March 19, 2009 - 10:32

I followed all the steps on the tutorial but in w3d viewer my animation won't work , the model does nothing X(

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