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Getting to know Leadership abilities

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of modboy451


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Tuesday November 9, 2010 - 10:29
Updated: Saturday February 19, 2011 - 15:00
Views: 5981
Summary: Understanding the basics of leadership abilities!


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Getting to know attribute modifiers
this page will help you learn the basics of attribute modifers, here's the standard basic leadership modifier code

//This is the games standard leadership
ModifierList GenericHeroLeadership
    Category                = LEADERSHIP
    Modifier                = EXPERIENCE 200%
    Modifier                = ARMOR 50%
    Modifier                = DAMAGE_MULT 150%        // Multiplicitive. Damage multiplied by this, will compound in multiple bonuses
    Duration                = 3000
    FX                = FX_GenericLeadership
    ReplaceInCategoryIfLongest    = Yes
    IgnoreIfAnticategoryActive    = Yes

lets break this down into smaller pieces to look at

ModifierList GenericHeroLeadership

the "ModifierList" lets the game know that this is a attributemodifer
the "GenericHeroLeadership" is the name of it and is referenced in Page 2 of this tutorial (BonusName) so when the power activates it know that it should come here to this modifier to look for details.

Category                = LEADERSHIP

  • LEADERSHIP = leadership power
  • STRUCTURE = the amount of stats goes up when you upgrade a building
  • LEVEL = used for the handicap in skirmish and for how hard your enemies are in skirmish (easy, brutal, etc) also for the stats you gain when units or heros level up!
  • SPELL = used for self boosting stats like charge for snow trolls of the angmar swordsmen
  • WEAPON = used for money making leadership (eomer, hwaldar, lurtz)
  • there are more that are not used or are barley used that i will not go into.

here is some basic math terms for the modifiers

  • ARMOR = #,                // Additive
  • DAMAGE_ADD = #,            // Additive, adds that much of the damage
  • DAMAGE_MULT = #,            // Multiplicitive, Same as above but multiplies by a % ex 125% = 1.25, 75% = .75
  • EXPERIENCE = #,            // Multiplicitive same as other multiplicitives except exp
  • RESIST_FEAR or RESIST_TERROR 100% // Make the unit resistant to fear or terror (different powers use different ones) (can use different % to make the units not completly scared but still a little)
  • HEALTH = #,                // Additive, adds health to your max and current health
  • HEALTH_MULT,            // Multiplicitive same as other multiplicitives except health
  • VISION,                // Additive
  • BOUNTY_PERCENTAGE        // Multiplicitive, incresses the amount given from killing people
  • there are more that are not used or are barley used that i will not go into.

NOTE: If you want to know the full details about them open up data\ini\attributemodifer.ini and the full desctription of all of the above and more are their right when you open it up!

next page: attributemodifier.ini




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Imdrar - Friday January 14, 2011 - 4:14

I'll deal with this in my own tutorial I'm hopefully going to write in the near future, if time is on my side.

modboy451 - Wednesday January 12, 2011 - 14:10

can you tell yes there are some things i haven't covered but are on my list to get to...
cn you tell me some entry's I may not know... so i can look into them ans put them in

Imdrar - Tuesday January 11, 2011 - 7:50

You know, this isn't really "Intermediate". Everything you wrote on page 5 can simply be found at the top of the attributemodifier.ini and is as well explained there, and most of the other stuff is quite easy to figure out even for a beginner. Also you're just scratching the surface of an attribute modifier's true potential.

modboy451 - Tuesday November 30, 2010 - 15:33

Thanks! you too!
i added an answer to your creep problem:

clank234 - Saturday November 27, 2010 - 15:24

thx, this really helpd me out with my mod.
very precise and understandable. kp up the gd work


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